
Spain: Barcelona takes to the streets for sixth straight day of protests

8 20.10.2019
W/S Protesters gathered on street, Barcelona
M/S Police performing bag check
M/S Police performing bag check
M/S Police performing bag check
M/S Police performing bag check
M/S Police advancing in front of police van
M/S Police moving backwards
C/U Police
M/S Police moving forward
W/S Protesters gathered
SOT, Protester (Spanish): "There is much anger accumulated and you can see this anger on the streets, when the peaceful protests - that weren't useful, since it looks like the government is not interested - are over. The violent part of the movement is the only one the media are covering but it has been created by everything that has passed. We have people in jail since two years."
M/S Police holding weapon
W/S Police line
SOT, Protester (Spanish): "Nowadays we're independentistas [person fighting for independence] but in the future we could be syndicalist, pensioners, republicans, anyone. It's a social fight by a wide movement that is trying to gather the biggest part of Catalonia."
M/S Woman filming on phone
W/S Protesters gathered
SOT, Protester: "We are all European; these are European citizens in Catalonia, European citizens in Spain, European citizens in Scotland. We need to get round a table and do diplomacy."
M/S Police holding sub machine gun
W/S Police
W/S Catalan flag waving
W/S Police helicopter hovering
SOT, Protester (Spanish): "My son is 18 years old and yesterday night came back with a blow (injury) made by a plastic ball that is forbidden here in Catalonia. He has been hit by rebound and now he can't chew without pain. I won't let my son go on the street without being safe. He's coming soon, he was studying because those are guys that are going to school - it's not true that they are illiterate - and then they take the street to defend the country."
W/S Catalan flag
Hundreds of Barcelona residents took to the streets of the Catalan capital on Saturday as part of ongoing demonstrations decrying the Spanish Supreme Court ruling jailing Catalan independence leaders.
Footage shows protesters flying the Catalan regional flag as well as a heavy police presence in the area.
"There is much anger accumulated and you can see this anger on the streets, when the peaceful protests - that weren't useful, since it looks like the government is not interested - are over. The violent part of the movement is the only one the media are covering but it has been created by everything that has passed," one protester said, in reference to the violent scenes which have taken place during the protests.
Spain's Supreme Court convicted nine independence leaders in total, including former Catalan Vice President Oriol Junqueras, for their role in the autonomous region's attempt to secede and holding an illegal independence referendum.
The sentence against the Catalan leaders unleashed a wave of protests and riots which have left hundreds injured and dozens arrested.
Виж повече Виж по-малко
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