
Afghanistan: At least 12 injured as millitants storm govt. building in Jalalabad

5 18.09.2019
W/S Security forces firing a machine gun
W/S Smoke billowing
W/S Security forces vehicle, with gunshots heard in the background
M/S Smoke billowing
M/S Security forces and vehicles arriving
W/S Helicopter flying
M/S Security forces and vehicles arriving
W/S Security forces and vehicle
M/S Security forces taking shelter behind a wall
SOT, Jalalabad police commander (Pashto): "I can guarantee the people that the insurgents who stormed a government building will be killed as soon as possible by the police forces. Our personnel is fighting with them inside the building. I think one or two attackers are still alive, and they will be killed soon. We also rescued some people from the site of attack."
W/S Security forces firing machine gun from on top of a humvee
M/S Soldier taking shelter behind a wall
W/S Security forces and vehicles
M/S Soldier on top of a humvee
M/S Security forces' vehicle
M/S Security forces
M/S Security forces
W/S Humvee driving away
W/S People and security forces
M/S Humvee arriving
W/S Helicopter flying
W/S Red Crescent vehicle
W/S Soldiers
W/S Security forces speaking to locals
Security forces were filmed engaging in a gunfire exchange with militants in Jalalabad on Wednesday, who tried to storm a government building, triggering an alleged suicide bombing in the process and wounding at least 12 people.
According to reports, the alleged suicide bombing took place at the entrance of the Afghanistan national electronic ID distribution, and facilitated the storming of multiple attackers of the premises.
Shortly after the blast, security forces rushed to the scene, surrounded the compound, and engaged in a battle which is reportedly still ongoing. At least 12 employees have been successfully rescued from the building.
No group has claimed responsibility as of yet, reports add.
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