
Germany: Merkel and King Abdullah II of Jordan denounce Netanyahu's annexation plan

3 17.09.2019
M/S German Chancellor Angela Merkel and King Abdullah II of Jordan arriving press conference, in Berlin
W/S Press conference
SOT, Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany (German): "I explained that we, from a European viewpoint, think that the JCPOA could be one possible building stone to which we ought to fall back on. But it is true that there are a number of other burdens that are created by Iran — the ballistic missile programme, but also their activities in Syria, their military engagement there that needs to be discussed."
C/U Cameraman
SOT, Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany (German): "The Federal Government is in favour of an internationally-backed peace solution, meaning a two-state solution, to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. And annexations are always harmful to such peace solutions."
C/U Journalist asking question
W/S Presser
M/S King Abdullah II of Jordan and Merkel at lecterns
SOT, King Abdullah II of Jordan, King of Jordan: "These types of statements I think are a disaster to any attempt to move forward to the two-state solution, and we are looking at this with tremendous concern in Jordan because it does not bode well for trying to get Israelis and Palestinians together. On, just if I can also add, the issue of Saudi Arabia: all of us, I think, are working tremendously in the international community to deconflict and bring the crisis down because we cannot afford a Pandora's box scenario in our part of the world. From the Jordanian perspective, our full support obviously to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. And we hope that we can get past this conflict as quickly as possible. But from the Jordanian point of view, the security, the stability of Saudi Arabia is all important to us in Jordan."
M/S Photojournalist
M/S Merkel and Abdullah II shaking hands and leaving
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and King Abdullah II of Jordan said that Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's pledge to annex parts of the West Bank was harmful to the two-state solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, speaking at a press conference in Berlin on Tuesday.
"The Federal Government is in favour of an internationally-backed peace solution, meaning a two-state solution, to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. And annexations are always harmful to such peace solutions," said Merkel.
"These types of statements I think are a disaster to any attempt to move forward to the two-state solution. We are looking at this with tremendous concern in Jordan," added Abdullah II.
Netanyahu said that he would annex Jordan Valley and the north of the Dead Sea if he is re-elected in the general elections.
The Jordan Valley and the northern Dead Sea - which are currently under Israeli occupation - amount to nearly 30 percent of territory in the West Bank.
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