
Brazilian BRICKLAYER DAD defies stereotypes by dancing ballet

2 917 21.10.2019
W/S Ballet lesson, Feira de Santana
M/S Joilson Santos turning with his daughter Isabele
W/S Parents and kids dancing
C/U Santos and his daughter Isabele dancing
M/S Santos and Isabele
M/S Santos dancing on floor
M/S Santos dancing on floor
W/S Santos dancing on floor
M/S Santos stretching
SOT, Jaqueline Amorim, Santo's wife (Portuguese): "For me it is like winning the best prize in the world, because I know my daughters are not alone. My daughters have a father that I would like most to have, not everyone, but [I wish] the majority of fathers were like him."
W/S Family heading to ballet lessons
M/S Parents playing with daughters
W/S Parents and kids taking class
C/U Santos putting on sock
W/S Parents and kids taking ballet class
C/U Santos dancing
M/S Kids taking ballet class
M/S Parents and kids taking ballet class
W/S Parents and kids taking ballet class
W/S Family walking
W/S Santos carrying bricks
W/S Santos working
SOT, Joilson Santos, Bricklayer (Portuguese): "The teacher was giving ballet lessons, each one with their daughters. My wife was taking both girls, so I started to take classes with one, and she started with the other one. That's how I started to dance ballet with the girls. It's normal."
W/S Santos working
M/S Santos working
SOT, Joilson Santos, Bricklayer (Portuguese): "Rude men also love, I feel like that, but I love my daughters. I am really rude and ignorant, if there is someone ignorant that is me. I am stupid even in the way of speaking. I am learning now to concentrate, to speak more quieter, because of them."
W/S Santos working
C/U Santos working
SOT, Joilson Santos, Bricklayer (Portuguese): "[My colleagues joked] Ah, he is going to become gay now. No! I told them, If I were to turn gay because of my daughters, I would surely do so. I do everything because of my daughters. Gay, who knows?. Inside my house there is me, my wife and my daughters. I do not care what people say, it is normal."
W/S Cultural Centre 'Maestro Miro'
M/S Sign reading (Portuguese) Cultural Centre 'Maestro Miro'
W/S Cultural Centre 'Maestro Miro'
A 54 year-old father and bricklayer Joilson Santos, defied macho stereotypes as he enrolled in ballet lessons to help his 10 and 8 year-old autistic daughters, in the Brazilian town of Feira Santa, on Monday.
What started as a small project called 'Ballet Azul' (Blue ballet), that saw mothers joining in with their autistic daughters, soon encouraged Santos to take part as well. "My wife was taking both girls, so I started to take classes with one, and she started with the other one," Santos explained.
Santos' wife Jaqueline Amorim, said that for her, having her husband was like "winning the best prize in the world," as she felt certain her daughters were not alone. "[I wish] the majority of fathers were like him," she added.
Joilson Santos insists it is perfectly normal being a male ballet dancer, in spite of the jokes made by his colleagues, saying that If he were to turn gay because of his daughters, He would surely do so. "I do everything because of my daughters. Gay, who knows? Inside my house there is me, my wife and my daughters. I do not care what people say, it is normal," he added.
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