
USA: Protesters denounce reported anti-Semitism spike in NYC

1 23.09.2019
M/S Protester with Israeli flag
M/S Protester with Israeli flag and MAGA hat
W/S Protester
M/S Placards
M/S Placards
M/S Protester with flags of the USA and Israel
M/S Placards
SOT, Doug Vican, protester: "To those who want to cause pain, to those who want to shed blood. We have a message about the Jewish people, everyone, Am Yisrael Chai [The People of Israel Live]."
W/S Vican and crowd
SOT, Doug Vican, protester: "The heart of the Jewish community in America is New York, over a million Jews, that we would have a situation here in New York of unprecedented hate, unprecedented anti-Semitism. We are not talking about the numbers being five and then being 10, we are talking about such dramatic numbers that create such concern and such fear."
M/S Protesters with placards
SOT, Lissa Jacobs, protester: "We fear another Hitler, that's crazy. This is not the way New York City should ever feel."
M/S Jacobs and crowd
W/S Protesters
M/S Protesters
W/S Protesters
M/S Protesters
M/S Protesters
W/S Protesters
Protesters rallied against anti-Semitism in New York City on Sunday, just ahead of the start of the United Nations General Assembly.
The protesters exhibited numerous placards and banners supporting Israel, as well as Israeli flags. Speakers took turns to address the crowd.
"The heart of the Jewish community in America is New York, over a million Jews, that we would have a situation here in New York of unprecedented hate, unprecedented anti-Semitism. We are not talking about the numbers being five and then being 10, we are talking about such dramatic numbers that create such concern and such fear," said Doug Vican.
"We fear another Hitler, that's crazy. This is not the way New York city should ever feel," added Lissa Jacobs.
According to reports, there has been a recent spike in anti-Semitic attacks in New York City, doubling in numbers from 58 in 2018, to 110 in 2019 to date.
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