
Hong Kong: Opposition lawmakers argue with LegCo security after removal from chamber

0 17.10.2019
W/S Legislative Council chamber, Hong Kong
M/S Lawmakers chanting (Cantonese) "Five demands, not one less," holding signs reading (Mandarin) "Five demands, not one less"
M/S Legislative Councillor Au Nok-hin saying *UPSOUND* (Cantonese) "Why do you block my way? I just walk outside the chamber, any problems with me?"
Legislative Councillor Ted Hui Chi-fung saying (Cantonese) "You said you are in charge here, right? Tell me why we couldn't go out? Who gives the order? We just want to go down"
Au saying (Cantonese) "They [security guards] blocked my way just right after I stood up, they are irresponsible."
Hui saying (Cantonese) "Why did you push the lady [Legislative Councillor Tanya Chan]? Why did you use violence on a lady?"
Au saying (Cantonese) "One of them [security guards] pulled my leg"
M/S Au saying *UPSOUND* (Cantonese) "You all are not qualified to be the LegCo security guards"
Hui saying (Cantonese) "You tell me, did you give order to block our way?"
Guard saying (Cantonese) "I didn't give any order"
Hui saying (Cantonese) "If not, how come they block all of our way?"
Legislative Councillor Raymond Chan Chi-chuen saying (Cantonese) "Are you the dirty cop?"
Guard saying (Cantonese) "You be careful"
Chan saying (Cantonese) "What do you mean with 'be careful?' Are you threatening me? You say it again? Everyone witness this"
M/S Legislative Councillor Claudia Mo saying *UPSOUND* (Cantonese) "It's unacceptable to have four male security guards surround a lady [Tanya Chan], they did it like this, using elbows and kicks, it's alarming. If Tanya Chan had been wearing high-heel shoes she would have fallen down, it can be really dangerous, what kind of security guards are you? We are the Legislative Councillors, our place is here"
SOT, Au Nok-hin, Hong Kong Legislative Councillor (Cantonese) : "The main reason was that she is a female guard, I don't wish to have any contact with her as a male, she jumped on me like a wrestler. I couldn't escape, there were two guards targeting me."
C/U Injury on arm
Opposition lawmakers argued with security guards and accused them of pushing people in Hong Kong's Legislative Council on Thursday, after they were removed from the council chambers after heckling Chief Executive Carrie Lam and forcing an adjournment.
Footage shows lawmakers accusing security guards of blocking their way and of pushing Legislative Councillor Tanya Chen.
Since March, Hong Kong has been rocked by demonstrations sparked by a planned, but now-withdrawn extradition bill. The rallies have evolved into a movement with wider grievances against the Hong Kong administration.
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