
Poland: Voters head to polls in parliamentary elections

2 736 13.10.2019
W/S Voters entering building with polling stations NO. 113 and 114, Warsaw
M/S Voters entering building
M/S Signs on building
M/S Voters in polling station
SOT, Marta, Voter (Polish): "I decided that it was worth going to the elections and voting so that one party would not [always] have the majority. I would like to see more parties in the parliament and that is why I came here today. I voted for a party that has no chance of winning, but at least I would like to weaken the bigger parties."
M/S Voter looking at board
M/S Sign pointing to direction of polling station
M/S Voters looking at information sheet
SOT, Bogdan, Voter (Polish): "I would certainly like Poland to be democratic, where the constitution is respected, where there are no problems with democracy, elections and the rule of law."
M/S Voter walking into polling station
M/S Voter casting ballot
M/S Voter getting ballot
M/S Voter getting ballot
M/ Voters casting ballots
C/U Ballots
M/S Voters
SOT, Ryszard, Voter (Polish): "Whatever it is now, you have to vote anyway. Even in bad times. There is always a chance that someone better will come. If you don't like the current one, you have to vote."
M/S Voter casting ballot
M/S Voter getting ballot
M/S Voter
M/ Voter casting ballot
M/S Voters leaving polling station
M/S Voters leaving building
Polish voters headed to polling stations in Warsaw on Sunday to cast their ballot for the parliamentary elections.
One of the voters, Marta, explained that she decided to vote "so that one party would not always have the majority. I would like to see more parties in parliament and that is why I came here today. I voted for a party that has no chance of winning, but at least I would like to weaken the bigger parties."
Ryszard, another voter, shared his optimism about the elections saying, "There is always a chance that someone better will come."
The ruling right-wing Law and Justice (PiS) party, which has been in power for the past four years, is expected to be in the lead.
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