
USA: Many Syrian refugees 'are aligned with ISIS' - Trump

0 20.10.2016
Christ Wallace, moderator (English): "Mr. Trump same question if we are able to push ISIS out of Mosul and out of Iraq, would you be willing to put US troops in there to prevent their return or something else?"
Donald Trump, Republican presidential nominee (English): "Let me tell you Mosul's so sad, we had Mosul, but when she left, when she took everybody out, we lost Mosul and now we are fighting again to get Mosul. The problem with Mosul, and what they wanted to do is that they wanted to get the leaders of ISIS who they felt were in Mosul, about three months ago I started reading that they wanted to get the leaders and they are going to attack Mosul. Whatever happened to the element of surprise, OK. We announce we are going after Mosul, I have been reading about going after Mosul for how long is it now Hillary three months? These people have all left, they have all left, the element of surprise, Douglas Mcarthur, George Hatton spinning in their graves when they see the stupidity of our country. So we are now fighting for Mosul, that we had, all she had to do is stay there."
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump attacked his Democratic counterpart Hilary Clinton over the Obama's administrations policies in Syria, during the third presidential campaign debate, in Las Vegas, on Wednesday.
Trump stated, "Let me tell you Mosul's so sad, we had Mosul, but when she left, when she took everybody out, we lost Mosul and now we are fighting again to get Mosul." He furthermore criticised the lack of surprise in the operation saying, "Whatever happened to the element of surprise, OK. We announce we are going after Mosul, I have been reading about going after Mosul for how long is it now Hillary 3 months?"
The Republican also accused most Syrian migrants of being "ISIS aligned," he added "This is going to be the great Trojan horse, and wait till you see what happens in the coming years, lots of luck Hillary, thanks a lot for doing a great job."
Mandatory Credit: FOX News
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