
Germany: Activists demand shutdown of animal testing facility after release of undercover footage

4 18.10.2019
M/S Banner near Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology's (LPT) Laboratory in Mienenbuttel, reading (German): "Abolish animal testing!"
C/U Banner reading (German) 'Close LPT'
W/S Activists holding banner reading (German) 'Close LPT'
SOT, Alicia, Activist (German): "We stand here in front of the LPT Mienenbuttel and are demonstrating against the cruel animal experiments that are being done on dogs, cats but also on monkeys, mice, rats, and hamsters. LPT has been here for decades and dreadfully haunts the animals. We demonstrate here constantly, but the staff do not get impressed that much that we are recommending them to find a new job."
M/S Activists shouting
W/S Activists holding banner
SOT, Alicia, Activist (German): "We have been demonstrating regularly since 2013. The 'Close LPT' campaign has been the cause of many demonstrations. There are always the LPT vigils on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the morning at the new graves from 06:00 to 08:00. The workers also greet [us]. There have been many other actions that have been against the LPT, but they have not interested LPT very much, as nothing has really happened or [been] effective."
M/S Activist shouting
C/U Banner reading (German): 'Your actions will not be forgotten'
SOT, Alicia, Activist (German): "We want to get LPT shut down immediately - everything that we've seen is going on in there right now. But not just in LPT, it's happening all the time and in any animal testing lab and animal exploitation institutions, and LPT and all animal testing sites must be shut down because animal experimentation is a big mistake. *INAUDIBLE* It does not help us humans, it kills humans and animals. Animal experimentation kills people and animals."
W/S Improvised cemetery for animals victims of experiment
M/S Candle
W/S Gates to one of LPT's offices at Redderweg 8, 21147 Hamburg
M/S LPT's office
W/S Way to LPT's office
SOT, Sigi (German): "This is supposed to be the headquarters and it has always been said that there should not be any animals here, but by now everyone is becoming sceptical - if people had a clear conscience, then they could let anyone in."
M/S Graffiti reading (German): 'LPT = Murderer'
SOT, Sigi (German): "I think that you do not necessarily have to have animal experiments, you can find out these things differently, and not with the torturous methods used here, where monkeys and dogs, especially beagles, are deposited so that you can make the most impossible attempts on them. "
C/U Graffiti
SOT, Sigi (German): "The best case is that all the animals that are suffering so badly taken out of there, either to be relieved of the suffering, actually, I do not want any animal testing, not at all, but probably no way around it, but not in this bestial way. "
M/S LPT's office
C/U Metal fence
W/S LPT's office
Demonstrators gathered near facilities owned by the Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology (LPT) in Mienenbuttel on Thursday, demanding the shutdown of its animal testing sites amid the recent publication of shocking footage taken from within its lab in Mienenbuttel.
Demonstrators can be seen nearby the Mienenbuttel facility displaying banners calling for the abolition of animal testing and to "Close LPT."
"We want to get LPT shut down immediately - everything that we've seen is going on in there right now. But not just in LPT, it's happening all the time and in any animal testing lab and animal exploitation institutions, and LPT and all animal testing sites must be shut down because animal experimentation is a big mistake," said Alicia, one of the demonstrators.
"We demonstrate here constantly, but the staff do not get impressed that much that we are recommending them to find a new job," she added.
Regarding the published footage and allegations against LPT, the Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection of Lower Saxony issued a statement saying that during an investigation of the facility on October 9, "violations were found concerning the keeping of the monkeys: 44 animals, which were not part of any testing procedure, were found in cages of less than 1m³ and without the supply of adequate conditions."
Graffiti had been spray painted on a road near an LPT office in Hamburg, reading 'LPT = Murderer'.
The statement continued that "deficiencies in animal welfare in respect to the handling of the animals for testing were not detected, just as they were not detected in previous inspections run by the Harburg district."
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