
Afghanistan: Ghani rallies in Jalalabad ahead of presidential elections

1 20.09.2019
W/S Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani walking on stage, Jalalabad
M/S Women and children in audience
M/S Ghani on stage
WS Men in audience
W/S Ghani on stage
W/S Men in audience
M/S Ghani speaking
M/S Women in audience
M/S Ghani speaking
M/S Security forces in front of stage
M/S Men in audience
M/S Ghani speaking
M/S Women in audience
M/S Portrait of Ghani
M/S Women in audience
SOT, Husna Ahmadzai, Ghani supporter (Pashto): "As you can see thousands of Afghan people have gathered to voice their support for Afghan presidential candidate Ashraf Ghani. Afghan people want to go ahead through with the election. We feel happy to take part in this rally and we want this upcoming election to end in a transparent way and without any corruption. All of the women who have gathered here are supporters of president Ghani."
SOT, Husna Ahmadzai, Ghani supporter (Pashto): "All of the Afghan people want a transparent election in which we can select a patriot president that can focus on peace because Afghans are tired of war. We don't want war anymore. Everybody wants their children to have high education and not to fight. As you know yesterday we lost our people following an airstrike in the Khogyani district, and we lost several in the Zabul province. All Afghans are thirsty for peace."
SOT, Zakia, Ghani supporter (Pashto): "We came here to support Ashraf Ghani. We will cast our vote for Ghani, he will work for peace because we want peace. We don't want these bloody situations, we lost our sons, all of the youths of our country were killed."
M/S Women
M/S Women
Around 10,000 people attended a rally of Afghan President Ashraf Ghani in Jalalabad on Friday, eight days ahead of presidential elections on September 28.
"All Afghan people want a transparent election in which we can select a patriot president that can focus on peace because Afghans are tired of war," Ghani supporter Husna Ahmadzai said. "All Afghans are thirsty for peace."
"We will cast our vote for Ghani, he will work for peace because we want peace," said Ghani supporter Zakia. "We don't want these bloody situations, we lost our sons, all of the youths of our country were killed."
The upcoming election is the country's fourth presidential poll since United States-led forces toppled the Taliban in 2001.
Around 9.6 million people, roughly a third of them women, have reportedly registered to vote, but around one in twelve polling centres may not open because of safety threats.
On Tuesday, at least 26 people were killed when a suicide bomber attacked a Ghani rally in the town of Charikar, Parwan province.
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