
Metallica - The Four Horsemen - Kill Em All 1983

59 03.06.2017

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This song Metallica - The Four Horsemen (Kill 'Em All, 1983) is about the apocalypse. Although I'm not into christian religion. In terms of history, inquisition, crusades are very interesting subjects, when seeing the reflection with our present. Praying the word of peace and love, no matter what. But when you don't believe you're in war with us. Sounds familiar, right? Regarding to the George Bush quote 'You're either with us or against us'.

In the Christian religion, the signs of the end of the world are The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse; Pestilence, War, Famine, and Death. In the song, however, they are named as "time, famine, pestilence, and death" which is the right names, depending on who you ask.

To me it was inspiring: To know about the this prophecy, and see the chaos our world-economy is struggling in.
It also seems, history repeats itself. Like in the thirties, the Great Depression, again the bankers who caused this crisis, won't be jailed. Again Joe the Plumber will pay the bankers 'mistakes'. Although that's a very soft word... I guess no one can imagine the power, the greed, the hunger for money that's ruling this world.

Since WWII the United States have been a war-economy. The Carlyle Group is heavy investing in war-industry. That's why the Bush-government welcomed 9/11: Now they had a reason to start a war.

Note: If you don't believe 9/11 was an inside job:
There are explosives found in the towers debris. Building 7 also collapsed, without been hit by a plane. Architects and scientists confirmed, it was a controlled demolition.

The face of war

The area Fallujah (Iraq) is poisoned with depleted uranium. As a result, more than half of babies born in Fallujah from 2007 - 2010 were born with birth defects.

The Carlyle Group: Are they just doing business? Or is it more than that? A fact is; Without (to less) war worldwide, there is not that much money to earn for the weapon-industry. So there has to be war.

Further: The Afghanistan-war is also a war about raw materials, iron, copper, cobalt, gold and lithium.

The profits at Wall Street are higher then ever. Although this has everything to do with the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing-project: Pumping every month an amount of 85 billion dollar in the U.S. economy. Bernanke may believe in his mission. But It's a bubble. And it's goanna collapse!
Not that most of Americans profit from this. More and more Americans are living in tent-cities, and need food stamps to feed themselves and their children. Occupy Wall Street protest was answered with police brutality. Government and bankers know, they're loosing control. This corporate fascism is putting down his mask. It's bloodthirsty face is more and more visible.


The video above is showing scenes from the movies: - Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984), - Reign in fire. I'm thankfull for the great images. But the actors are very clichéd stereotypes: Good guys vs bad guys. - The blue scene with four horses (one is the headless horseman) is an deleted scene from Sleepy Hollow, the tv-serie. The intro till 1:52 is token from 2 Darksiders trailers. The passing horsemen: Beyond Today TV: "Four Horsemen of Revelation".
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