
Afghanistan: 63 killed and 182 wounded as suicide blast hits wedding

1 962 18.08.2019
W/S Aftermath of explosion inside wedding hall, Kabul
M/S Scattered chairs inside hall
W/S Afghan police forces patrolling hall
W/S Shattered ceiling, damaged furniture
C/U Afghan policeman with rifle
W/S People inside hall, shattered glass
W/S Shoes belonging to victims in the attack
C/U Shoes belonging to victims in the attack
C/U Damaged chairs
C/U Blood stain on fabric
W/S Scattered furniture
M/S Damaged technical equipment
M/S Damaged technical equipment
M/S Damaged musical instrument
SOT, Hewad Gul, eyewitness (Dari): "I am a worker at the hotel, we finished the food [reception] for the women, we started to distributing food to men, at that time a huge explosion happened and may people were killed and injured, the situation was very bad."
W/S People marching outside wedding hall *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Abdullah, eyewitness (Dari): "It was the wedding of my brother-in-law, we were busy at the wedding party by that time. I heard a very loud explosion sound, when I came to the hall I saw may people who were killed, including women and children. Since the night up to now we are busy with funerals. Now I came to handover the bride's car."
M/S Newlyweds' car
M/S Police outside wedding hall
M/S People walking around area of blast
At least 63 people were killed and 182 were injured after a suicide blast hit a ceremony hall during a wedding party in western Kabul on Saturday evening.
Footage shows Afghan police forces patrolling the hall amongst glasses, broken chairs and wrecked tables.
Shoes belonging to victims and clothing stained with blood can also be seen, alongside scattered furniture and destroyed technical equipment.
According to a guest, soon after the blast people ran out the men's area of the wedding hall where the attack took place. Women and children were also among the victims.
The attack was reportedly carried out by a suicide bomber but no group claimed responsibility so far.
The Taliban denied they were behind the incident, with spokesman Zabiullah Mujaheed saying the group condemn the attack.
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