
Bolivia: La Paz faces food and fuel shortages amid political crisis

0 16.11.2019
W/S Empty petrol station, La Paz
M/S Empty petrol station
W/S Petrol station blocked off
W/S Empty petrol station
W/S Street blocked
W/S Queue of cars
SOT, Victor Luna, taxi driver (Spanish): "[It is] almost a week since there was petrol. In recent days, there is diesel for the military, the police. There's petrol [for them], but we can't work without it in our cars."
W/S Queue of cars
W/S Residents with containers for petrol
W/S Women walking with petrol containers
W/S Market Antofagasta
W/S Market stall with small amount of food
C/U Lack of meat
M/S Empty stall
SOT, Clara Terri, stall owner (Spanish): "The stalls are closed because there is no transport, and as the companions live in El Alto - in the areas around the city and the shanty towns - they cannot reach the market due to lack of transport because there is no petrol."
W/S Empty market
SOT, Clara Terri, stall owner (Spanish): "There is no food, especially no chicken, no meat, no fish either, no eggs.... cooking oil is not reaching us, pasta and grains neither. That's why the stalls are closed."
M/S Closed stalls
C/U Closed stall
C/U Sign saying "Barbecue coals for sale" at closed stall
W/S La Paz Central Bus Station closed
M/S Men at closed bus station asking security
C/U Closed bus terminal
SOT, Lucio Guarachi, stranded worker (Spanish): "I have been here for a week and I have no way to travel to Arica. As the border is closed and there is no way through. It is blocked and that is why I am worried that I have no way of travelling to Arica."
C/U Closed bus terminal
SOT, Lucio Guarachi, stranded worker (Spanish): "I'm already fired - I can't go to work... I'm fired because I've been here for a week and you're fired after that."
C/U Closed bus terminal
W/S La Paz
Bolivia's capital La Paz is in the grip of a food, fuel and transport crisis. Empty market stalls and a deserted central bus station were the obvious signs on Saturday.
Since the ousting of former president Evo Morales on October 20, protesters have blocked the Senkata petrochemical plant, responsible for supplying a large portion of La Paz and surrounding areas with fuel. The result has been fuel rationing, with residents who live further outside the centre to travel for work. The central market nearly stand empty, "due to lack of transport because there is no petrol," confirmed stall owner Clara Terri.
"There is no food, especially no chicken, no meat, no fish, no eggs... Oil is not coming, noodles, cereals are not arriving, [so] the stalls are closed," Terri added.
The central bus station has been closed, leaving visitors stranded, including Lucio Guarachi, who has been in La Paz for a week and has "already" been fired because he cannot return to Arica in Chile.
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