Легендата на хип-хопа Jay-Z (Шон Картър) се оказа в центъра на съдебен скандал, след като бе обвинен в сексуално насилие над 13-годишно момиче през 2000 г. Делото, подадено във Върховния съд на Ню Йорк, шокира музикалната индустрия и феновете му по цял свят. 💔
@c4news Jay-Z has been accused in a civil lawsuit of raping a 13-year-old girl in 2000. The rapper, whose real name is Shawn Carter, is accused along with Sean 'Diddy' Combs, of drugging and assaulting the girl at a party in New York. Both men deny the allegations and Jay Z described the lawsuit as a "blackmail attempt". #JayZ #Diddy #SeanCombs #C4News #Channel4News ♬ original sound - Channel 4 News
Какво твърди жертвата? 😱
• Жената, подала делото, твърди, че е била излъгана с обещания за помощ в кариерата ѝ, след което е била малтретирана от Jay-Z.
• Споменава се и участието на други влиятелни фигури, включително Шон „Диди“ Коумс, който според обвинението е съдействал за организирането на срещата. 🔗
@phampgtailn #JayZ #Reacts #Lawsuit #Allegations #Accusing #WORSE #Diddy #news #breakingnews #Uk #fyp ♬ original sound - Pham Pu
Как реагира Jay-Z? 🛡️
Адвокатите на Jay-Z категорично отхвърлят обвиненията, като ги наричат „напълно безпочвени“. Според тях делото е опит за финансово изнудване и създаване на сензация. 😤
@thenewsmovement Jay Z attended the premiere of ‘Mufasa: The Lion King’ one day after denying raping and drugging a 13-year-old girl. Jay Z attended the premiere with his wife, Beyonce, and daughter, Blue Ivy, who both star as voice actors in the musical drama. The day before he was named in refiled federal lawsuit and alleged to have assaulted a 13-year-old girl with Sean ‘Diddy Combs’. Jay Z issued a strongly worded denial of the allegation and said the lawsuit by attorney Tony Buzbee was a ‘blackmail attempt’ and ‘idiotic’. “Only your network of conspiracy theorists, fake physics, will believe the idiotic claims you have levied against me that, if not for the seriousness surrounding harm to kids, would be laughable,” he said. “My only heartbreak is for my family. My wife and I will have to sit our children down, one of whom is at the age where her friends will surely see the press and ask questions about the nature of these claims, and explain the cruelty and greed of people.” Buzbee responded to the claims on social media and said Jay Z “previously denied being the one who sued me and my firm. He filed his frivolous case under a pseudonym.” “What he fails to say in his recent statement is my firm sent his lawyer a demand letter on behalf of an alleged victim and that victim never demanded a penny from him. Instead, she only sought a confidential mediation.” “Since I sent the letter on her behalf, Mr Carter has not only sued me, but he has tried to bully and harass me and this plaintiff. His conduct has had the opposite impact. She is emboldened. I’m very proud of her resolve.” Despite the allegations, Jay Z was in good spirits on the red carpet and posed for photos with his family. Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs is in jail after he was charged with sex trafficking and racketeering in September. He has denied all allegations. #jayz #diddy #disney #beyonce ♬ original sound - The News Movement
Реакция в социалните мрежи 🌐
Скандалът предизвика бурни дискусии в социалните платформи. Хаштагове като #JusticeForVictims и #JayZCase завладяха TikTok и Twitter. Някои потребители настояват за справедливост, докато други изразяват подкрепа към Jay-Z. 📱🔥
@mookymonster "Jay-Z Breaks Silence on Shocking Allegations" #Diddy #jayz #response #exposed #beyonce #conspiracy #list #foryou #foryourpage ♬ original sound - Mooky Monster
Какво следва? ⏳
Тепърва предстои съдът да разгледа случая и да даде яснота по обвиненията. В същото време този скандал повдига важни въпроси за злоупотребата с власт в музикалната индустрия и защитата на младите хора.
Истината тепърва ще излезе наяве, но този случай вече остави дълбок отпечатък върху културния пейзаж.
Източник: NBC News
Източник снимки: : istock
Източник снимки: : gettyimages