Момиче споделя в откровено писмо как преживява травмите си!⭐

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👉Автор: Дарина Караколева

My Impact

👉В днешното забързано ежедневие хората все по-рядко споделят своите мисли, тревоги и притеснения със своите приятели, близки и дори хора от семейството. Според психолози това се дължи на страха ни от критика, присмиване и изобщо, дали ще останем разбрани, ако споделим най-съкровените си мисли и виждания за нещата около нас.  Именно поради тази причина все по-малко са тези, които се престрашават да разкрият себе си пред любимите си хора. Разбира се, има и друго тълкуване на нещата. Мнозина се страхуват да кажат мнението си на глас, мислейки, че никой не се интересува от него. Замисляли ли сте колко често искрено се интересувате от останалите?

@nicolecordoves FULL EPISODE ON MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL, LINK IN BIO ✨ #staceygabriel shares how she healed from her trauma coming from a toxic relationship and workplace harassment that pushed her into silence. #binibiningpilipinas2022 ♬ original sound - nicole cordoves

👉Резултати от проучване показват, че хората рядко се интересуват от другите, тъй като имат притеснения, че отсрещната ще прояви същия интерес в процеса на разговора или комуникацията като цяло. Това, разбира се, води до проблеми в общуването като цяло. В последните години се появиха множество онлайн платформи, които донякъде предлагат решение не проблема, който засегнахме по-горе. Идеята е, че в тях човек може да потърси помощ от специалист, излагайки своя проблем анонимно. С това те също дават пример на останалите, които са се сблъсквали с подобни деликатни ситуации.


However, through healing, growth, and self-reflection, I have been able to learn how to overcome my past and develop new coping mechanisms to handle difficult situations. Overcoming childhood traumas and their effects can be a challenging and unique journey for each individual. Here are the steps I took to heal and move forward: 1. I recognized and acknowledged the impact of my childhood traumas on my current behavior and thought patterns. Understanding how past experiences have shaped the present can be an important first step in making changes. 2. I sought support and was lucky to have met a friend who went through the exact same thing at the exact same time. My friend provided a safe space to explore and process my emotions and helped me discover and develop coping strategies. 3. I practiced self-care and self-compassion by setting boundaries with others, taking time for myself without feeling guilty, and learning to prioritize my own needs and well-being. 4. I worked on developing healthier communication and relationship skills. I learned how to express my emotions and needs effectively, set healthy boundaries, and practice assertiveness. Remember that healing from childhood traumas is a process that takes time and effort, but with patience and persistence, it is possible to make positive changes and move forward. 💕

♬ original sound - free rein 🫶🏻

👉Такъв е случаят и с Айвъри Грийн от Луизиана, която събира сили да разкаже своята трудна история от миналото. Още от едва ранна детска възраст тя е принудена да се грижи за по-малките си братя заради майка си. Още на четири години майка й е застреляна заради афера с наркотици, а оттук започва и големия кошмар за нея. Айвъри е принудена да се грижи и изхранва братята. Преди да създаде свой дом, тя и семейството и преминават през живота на други зависими, сутеньор и неговите жени и още много перипети. Училището остава на заден план. 

@miahhu_ I spent four years in an abusive relationship. I spent four years pretending to be okay, until I wasn’t. When I decided to leave it took an army of people fighting for me both in the physical and spiritual. I had been brainwashed into thinking that I needed to stay for the sake of a covenant. And if you know me, you know how much I love God. I loved God so much that I stayed in a toxic environment for years because I was told if I “prayed more” I’d see change. And so I got on my knee’s for four years every single day and begged God for change, to help me, and I strived for God’s love for years. I dedicated everything to fixing a man who had no interest in fixing himself. And it was a phone call four years later that started my way out. My friends and family became a lifeline for me when I was overseas. I’d been drawn to the end of myself, and my best friend pointed out the cycle I was to blinded to see. She said “Do you see it? Do you see it’s a cycle?” It’s the cycle of abuse that keeps women stagnant. It’s empty words with no real solution to solve the problem. It’s the love bombing after an episode that brings hope to the abused that they’re “changing”. But they aren’t because they’ll repeat the toxic behavior again and again until either you leave, or break. I’ve spent the last year deconstructing four years of abuse in quiet and that’s okay. I know that not every part of my story needs to be shared. And that there is also a time in which my story would unfold. I believe that we all have 2 options. We can either become what has been done to us, or become something greater from it. And to be honest I’ve spent a decent amount of time doing the first. I know that trauma changes who we are as people. It dims the way we see people and their ability to be good. Trauma makes us overthink. It creates this need for reassurance that who we are is enough. Because when you’re constantly reminded that who you are isn’t enough, you begin to crave the approval of the person rejecting you. But when you add God to the mix he turns our trauma into testimony. And this is a piece of my testimony. {continued in comments} #dv #abuse #domesticabuseawareness #domesticabuse ♬ Another Love (slowed reverb) - Lrozen

👉Следват множество разочарования в любовта и нови падения. Когато е на 19 години в автомобилна катастрофа загива сестрата на приятеля ѝ, която в този момент е най-близкият ѝ човек. Това и действа изключително травмиращо и тя посяга към алкохола. Пие в продължение на няколко години, когато внезапно намира „любовта на живота си”. Само седем месеца след началото на връзката им, приятелят ѝ също преживява огромна травма. Най-добрият му приятел е убит. Трагичният инцидент допълнително заздравява връзката между двамата. Само четири месеца и 27 дни по-късно приятелят на Айвъри също е застрелян. Следва нов кошмарен и трагичен период за нея.

@tscpodcast If you haven’t heard of her, Lana is a former adult film star, and now a model, content creator (but like, a social media guru – 10 mill + followers) & entrepreneur, & co-host of 3 Girls 1 Kitchen. She’s smart, charismatic, beautiful, a mother, & Lauryn and Michael were over the moon to have her on the show where she could really tell her own story. Be sure to listen to the podcast where she discusses how she became porn’s biggest star & why she left it all behind. She also dives deep into why she transitioned out of the adult film industry & how many women are taken advantage of in that space. PLUS, she talks about her heartbreaking childhood & the year she spent in prison (you’ll be surprised at her take on that one). It’s a must listen for sure, but in the meantime, we wanted to touch on 3 things we learned from her episode. ♡ coyotes howl but the caravan keeps moving. ♡ sharing your story & experiences can help people ♡ if you’re going to consume 🌽, use privately owned content. Be sure to listen to the full episode. Lana is so honest & vulnerable, and although she talks about feeling ashamed of her past, she says many times she doesn’t regret a thing. As we said above, she’s now an entrepreneur, killer social media content creator, getting into clothing design, & even working with Playboy on a fun project. Go listen now! Xx, @theskinnyconfidential ♬ original sound - HIM & HER Show

👉В момента тя е на 29 години и споделя: „Оттогава не съм била толкова влюбена. Имах друга връзка, от която се роди момиче. Дипломирах се и имам добре платена работа. Дъщеря ми казва, че ме обича по няколко пъти на ден, което означава, че си върша добре работата. Щастлива съм и се намирам в мир за първи път. Знам, че моята история не е приключила. Готова съм да разкажа моята история,з а да помогна на други момичета и жени по света. Всичко, което преминах не беше заради мен, а заради останалите. Надявам се моята история да тласне някого, който има нужда да прави крачки всеки ден. Живейте в настоящето и се наслаждавайте на времето, което имате в момента, защото животът е мимолетен и времето е ограничено.”

@cleaningtheairwaves CTA's Impact: How Our Interview with Judy Nyawira Sparked a Life-Changing Conversation - @bimkuru #ThePlayHouse #cta101 Get ready for an incredibly touching story that unfolded after our interview with Judy Nyawira on CTA. In the message, Judy Nyawira revealed that a viewer reached out to her after our interview, sharing a deeply personal revelation. This individual had been living with a hidden truth for over seven years – the real cause of her parents' passing, which was due to HIV/AIDS. The most astonishing part? This truth had been kept from her husband, with only two people in her life knowing the real story. But after tuning in to our CTA interview with Judy Nyawira, she was inspired to wake up, sit down with her husband, and finally share the truth. This incredible chain of events showcases the profound impact of honest conversations and the unique power of shared experiences. We're truly honored to be a part of such transformative moments within our CTA community. Join us in celebrating the courage and healing brought about by this interview. 🌟💬❤️ #CTACommunity #ImpactfulConversations #TruthAndHealing ♬ original sound - Cleaning The Airwaves

Източник: SayitForward

Източник снимки: : istock

Източник снимки: : gettyimages


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