
USA: 'America will lead in space once again' - Pence on Apollo 11 anniversary

0 21.07.2019
W/S Pence shaking hands before giving speech, Cape Canaveral
W/S Pence getting ready to give speech and attendees taking pictures
SOT, Mike Pence, Vice President of the United States: "Today, our nation pays tribute to the three brave astronauts who sat atop a 360-foot rocket that lifted off from Pad 39A 50 years ago this week, two of whom walked on the moon 50 years ago today. We also gather to pay tribute to the nearly 400,000 Americans, engineers, technicians, designers, whose sacrifices and dedication made it possible for Apollo 11 to complete what another president called 'the most hazardous and dangerous and greatest adventure upon which mankind has ever embarked.'" *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE* *GLITCH AT SOURCE*
W/S Pence and crowd *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Mike Pence, Vice President of the United States: "Now true to their creed, astronauts have never liked the idea of being called heroes. Yet for all they did, for all the risks they took, if Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Mike Collins are not heroes then there are no heroes. We honour these men today and America will always honour our Apollo astronauts." *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE*
M/S Pence talking *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Mike Pence, Vice President of the United States: "We honour the men of Apollo 11 by remembering their epic voyage and telling their story. But we also honour them by continuing the work they so nobly and courageously advanced in American space exploration. Apollo 11 was followed by five more successful moon missions culminating in the final historic journey of Apollo 17, America's last trip to the moon." *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE*
W/S Pence giving speech and crowd *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Mike Pence, Vice President of the United States: "With strong bipartisan support this President is already signing the law, the largest NASA budget ever, and in this historic occasion I'm told that we've also achieved a critical milestone in our effort to go to the moon and beyond. Today thanks to the hard work of the men of NASA, men and women of NASA and of American industry, the Orion crew vehicle for the Artemis One Mission is complete and ready to begin preparations for its historic first flight".
C/U Astronaut Buzz Aldrin *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Mike Pence, Vice President of the United States: "Today we also reaffirm our commitment to unlock the mysteries of space and to lead. And as we continue on this American journey we go with the same resolve and determination of those who've gone before".
M/S Buzz Aldrin listening to Pence talk *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Mike Pence, Vice President of the United States: "Today we marked the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11, we celebrate the heroic astronauts who accomplished that extraordinary feat in human history and all those who supported them. And today we resolved for the sake of all they've accomplished that America will lead in space once again and this nation will once again astonish the world with the heights we reach and the wonders we achieve".
W/S American flag behind Pence giving speech
Vice President of the United States Mike Pence highlighted American leadership on space travel during the Apollo 11 50th anniversary commemorations in Cape Canaveral on Saturday.
Pence also took the chance to thank and "honour" Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong, Mike Collins and Buzz Aldrin, who Pence described as American heroes.
Pence reaffirmed US commitment to 'unlock the mysteries of space' and said that the Orion crew vehicle for the Artemis One Mission is complete and "ready to begin preparations for its historic first flight."
NASA's Artemis program seeks to bring American astronauts back to the Moon by 2024, and also bring the first woman to the lunar surface.
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