
Everyone is "Pushing Me Away" and I've "Given Up" on "Breaking The Habit." So I will "Leave Out All The Rest" and "Runaway" to be "By Myself." I will find "Somewhere I Belong" and be "One Step Closer" to finding a "Cure For The Itch." However, I'm not
"Forgotten" because I'm "With You", "Crawling" under your skin like a "Papercut." "In The End" I will find "A Place For My Head" and the "Shadow of The Day" will wipe away "What I've Done." There will be "No More Sorrow" in this "New Divide."
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бахти перверзната песничка :-D

syper {p}

syper pesni4kaa {p}

super qka pesni4ka {p}


super pesni4ka!!! {p} {p}

taq s toq jestomimi4en ezik sa popikah da sa smeq :-D

qka pesni4ka

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D spq6tata kraastavica

{p} {p}


tfa e mnoo vqrno

mnoo qka pesni4kaa {p} {p} {p}

super pesni4ka a na4aloto e mnoo qko {p}

super mn qk serial


super pesni4ka

mozyka vij kakvo laino takova ne mi sa prai na golqmata rabota 6tot 6a stani ZLE i az mislq 4i seki ima pravoto da si kaje mnenieto koe mu e interesnto na tova ne6to mejdudrugoto???????????

super pesni4ka

пише се търсят не тарсят кой глупак го е писал