Клип Коментар

ааааа :D :D :D :D

unique (love)

there's so much left to learn, and no one left to fight ....

(love) много сладко :*

:D :D :D axahxhaxh

:X (yes)

(music) (music) (star)

toz puk cane corsko, mastiF e

:D :D :D


Филмааааа (love)

no i'm not breathing duuuuuuuude :D :D :D :D :D

In god i will trust 'cause i know he will remember!

Tъкмо оправиха чата :D . Иначе съм За



if everyone shared and swallowed their PRIDE, then we'd see the day, when nobody died..

'cause u can't rewind a moment in this life

I've been wrong, I've been down to the bottom of every bottle. Despite words in my head scream "are we having fun yet?"