
“Nelly is one of the most innovative and dynamic artists in the world.
Her music, passion and relentless pursuit to challenge both herself
and the status-quo make her the consummate artist.”
- Universal Music

Furtado іѕ a splendid talent аnԁ nοt expected tο expire аnу time soon. Hеr singing career continues tο flourish аnԁ hаѕ bу now become a staple іn thе world οf contemporary music."

She is known for always set the trend in music, and never following one.
With her Loose album (11 million albums sold), Nelly has become the most successful artist in the world for 2 years and pretty much defined the sound of an era.

And We are 100% sure that with her new Т.S.I. album, Nelly will deliver something so incredibly fresh that will blow us all away, because she is an exceptional musician who has explored many sounds in her own way. So this combination of alternative, folk, pop, reggae, rnb... I think she'll do it all her way and create her own sound.

The question is if it will be a commercial success. It may happen - Nelly has done it twice before, creating a trend, making something new (Whoa, Nelly! and Loose).

"Nelly Furtado is a jewel in the music world. like glitter on the face of the stripper called the Music Industry."

Клип Коментар

One thing about Folklore is that each song is unique. If one song doesn't appeal to you, chances are another one will.

From the lush, dream-like quality of "Island of Wonder" and "Childhood Dreams" to the simple, yet profound tracks such as "Saturdays," Nelly Furtado demonstrates an excellent spectrum of her capabilities.

And yet, despite the diverse styles, the songs all come together perfectly. The consistency and continuity from track to track are unmistakable.

One thing that never wanes is its quality. The themes and imageries in Folklore are something a lot of us can relate to. Something that speaks to us.

"Folklore" embodies everything that "music" ought to be. A casual listen of Folklore may hook you with its unique sounds and rhythm. But that's merely scratching the surface.

A serious listen undoubtedly provides a deeper, richer experience -- as an awesome mix of instruments complements Furtado's silky-smooth delivery; and her lyrics, syntax, and choice of words paint a colourful, beautiful picture.

I say this without reservations: Folklore is an intelligent album. You'll understand once you sit down and genuinely listen to it.

Реда на постовете с информация за "Folklore" да се четат в посока от долу на горе :-) Ще се постарая по-късно да включа и информация за самата песен "Picture Perfect", и какво е вдъхновило Нели за написването й.

Всичките са близки до сърцето на Нели, а това което не изкушеното ухо не би могло да долови от изключително богатите музикални похвати, се чува директно от текста. Идеята за албума я спохожда по време на почивка на родните й Азорски острови.

"Фолклор" е дълбоко лиричен, изпълнен с откровени, почти автобиографични щрихи, с послания, идващи от преживяното.

Много по-чувствен, особен, изпълнен с усещане за живот и емоция ... Нищо комерсиално, нищо прекалено. Дълбочина и смисъл както в текстовете, така и в мелодията. Истинска музика, качествена музика. Музика за ценители!

Във ‘Folklore’ младата и обаятелна Нели Фуртадо демонстрира изненадваща зрялост и перфектно владеене на разнообразни музикални стилове. Втория албум на канадската певица няма нищо общо с "Loose".

"Todo Lo Bueno Tiene Un Final" на Нели Фуртадо.

Childhood Dreams e истински шедьовър и една от най-красивите песни, които Нели е създавала. Picture Perfect, Island of Wonder, One Trick Pony и останалите песни от folkore, са прекрасен пример за това, колко талантлив Артист е тя.

:-( :-(

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