
"I just don't like to get intimate. I don't want anyone to know what I feel and think, and if they can't get some kind of an idea through my music, than that's too bad."
"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not."
better to burn out than fade away."
"The worst crime is faking it."
"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are."
"I won't eat anything green."
"Never met a wiseman, if so it's a woman."
"Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you."
"Vandalism - beautiful as a rock in a cop's face."
"Before I die many will die with me and they will deserve it. See you in hell."
"The duty of youth is to challenge corruption."
"I like to feel prejudice towards people who are prejudice."
"I am not read well, but when I do read, I read well."
"If you ever need anything please don't hesitate to ask someone else first."
"We have no right to express an opinion until we know all the answers."
"If it's illegal to rock and roll, throw my ass in jail!"
" - Kurt Cobain
Клип Коментар

Syglasna sym s dejected_star, EMO KIDS SUCK!!!


Mene mn me kefi toq serial, napomnq mi za Orange County (sig 6ot sa s edin i sy6ti scenarist{ne se se6tam moje i rejisyor da be6e} - Josh Schwartz)

You're horable... Die! :D

Super klip4e :)

Mersi ;)

Nadqvam se da vi haresa ;) mene me kefi mnogo ;)

sy6toto se otnasq i za teq kato bodomchild, violeti_noname i jicataa koj znae vie kvi ste kat ste trygnali da govorite gluposti typi karucari vie sig samo chalgijka slu6ate, a?

_duke da myl4i6 antihriste

17 septemvri... 17 septwemvri... nemam tyrpenie!!!

Love him...

YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!!! Naj-setne!!!!!!!!!!!! Toq prili4a na Penyo ot BigBrother ve horicaaaaaaaa :D:D:D:D haaaaaaah male v edin broj na Hi CLub beha pisali: "Bill moje da ima vsqko MOMICHE koeto si pojelae" :D:D:D

YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!!! Naj-setne!!!!!!!!!!!! Toq prili4a na Penyo ot BigBrother ve horicaaaaaaaa :D:D:D:D haaaaaaah male v edin broj na Hi CLub beha pisali: "Bill moje da ima vsqko MOMICHE koeto si pojelae" :D:D:D

YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!!! Naj-setne!!!!!!!!!!!! Toq prili4a na Penyo ot BigBrother ve horicaaaaaaaa :D:D:D:D haaaaaaah male v edin broj na Hi CLub beha pisali: "Bill moje da ima vsqko MOMICHE koeto si pojelae" :D:D:D

Az bqh za Rob i Amber, Colby ili Ethan, radvam se za rob i amber

Flyleaf 4ever!!! vklu4vam se i az ;)

:-D :-D :-D

pesenta e mn qka, a filmyt o6te pove4e ;)

pesenta e mn qka, a filmyt o6te pove4e ;)

Edin ot naj gotinite filmi za vsi4ki vremenaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!