
Things die.But they don`t always stay dead.Believe me,i know.

Whenever we imagine something it becomes reality in another world.

If you’re afraid of something, face it.
Fear is irrational.
The only way to
conquer your fear is to
put yourself next to it
Клип Коментар

:D maiko0 :D


pesnichkata e mn sladinka a filma naistina e mn dobar (h)

. . . (music) . . . (dance)

Sype3er (dance) ... (music)

супер песен (h)

(h) Ерик (inlove)

суперр :*:*

sype3r klipche (dance) (h)

sype3r (dance)

perfektna pese3en (music)

syper e3e (music)

m Skandar mai me kefi poveche :D

Sype3r e3e :*

ee koga she izleze dr epizod :S:S

pesenta k1rti (dance)

Sype3er e nqmam dymi :X tova e filma :* (inlove) (h)

toi prosto spira daha (h) (inlove) (h)

(inlove) n3v3roqtno e3 (h)

nqma li da izliza po barzo 10-ti epizod che she ymra :( syper e iztoriikata :*