
Things die.But they don`t always stay dead.Believe me,i know.

Whenever we imagine something it becomes reality in another world.

If you’re afraid of something, face it.
Fear is irrational.
The only way to
conquer your fear is to
put yourself next to it
Клип Коментар

Sypee3eR e :*:*

ne sl takava muzika no pesentae hubava :* bravo0

the best (inlove)

Sype3eR (dance)

Syper e3ee3 (inlove) Rob e prekrasen (h)

perfektno eeee (h) . . (h)

syper pesen ;( (u)

;( . . . ebasi pogleda vadi (h) ;(

Meet Me On The Equinox (dance) (music)

(h) syper e (h)

Syper ee (inlove)


shoto jacob nea dr rauta :X syper e videoto (h)

syper e3e (h)

;( (h)

(h) :*


;(. . . (h) . . . ;(

(dance)(h)(dance) . . . syper ee

(h) syper eee (h)