Клип Коментар

I hope the ring you gave to her Turns her finger green I hope when you're in bed with her You think of me I would never wish bad things But I don't wish you well Could you tell By the flames that burned you

klip4eto e mega qko edno goliamo BRAVO na toia koito go e napravil

i na men taia pesen mi e lubimata na T.H. :-D

strahot na angl zvu4i daje po dobre

strahotna pesni4ka samo tva moga da kaja

adski qka samo tva moga da kaja

taia pesen e naprao razbiva6ta mnoo me kefi


{p} loff tom {p}

tfa klip4e e mega qko

mnogo gotino klip4e

{p} {p} {p}

ooo strahotno klip4e


LP rocks!!!

aha tfa klip4e e mn mn mn mn qko spukvam se ot smiah

{p} {p} {p}

TOKIO HOTEL - SCREAM 1.You get up And somebody tells you where to go to. When you get there, Everybody’s telling you what to do… Thank you, It’s been another bloody Monday And no one, Is asking what

ne sajelenie tva idiot4e spe4eli vse pak bill e 1000 po dobar ot nego

super klip4e mnogo e qko