
USA: 'We don’t want to panic' after Saudi Arabia oil attacks – Trump

9 671 17.09.2019
M/S US President Donald Trump walking on stage at rally in New Mexico
SOT, Donald Trump, US President: "You know a few years ago, if we had a problem, like you saw two days ago in the Middle East. We would have been in a panic, although not if I were your president, we never panic. We don't want to panic, but a few years ago they would have been in a panic. Today we have a lot of oil. We got a lot of gas. A lot of oil and gas, we don't have to send too many boats over there. You notice the other day, they were saying, we don't see too many American ships anymore. You know why? Because we don't need, we're independent as independent as we want, and we are now a net exporter of energy. Revenues from energy production provide up to 25 percent of your state's budget and going much higher in the very near future, and they've generated nearly a billion dollar budget surplus in New Mexico. Thank you very much, President Trump, Thank you."
W/S Audience in rally *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Donald Trump, US President: "Can you even believe it, and yet all of these radical left crazies on Judiciary Committee and all of these committees that are set up to hurt the country, with all that we have going with Saudi Arabia, with Iran, with China, trade deal, with Russia, with North Korea, with all that we have going, look at the cards that we've been dealt. Lucky we won the election in 2016. Believe me."
M/S Audience in rally *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Donald Trump, US President: "The same devotion to family and the same profound faith that America is blessed by the Eternal grace of Almighty God. [Trump noticing protester leaving rally] Goodnight, to that person, tomorrow, they'll say massive protest. Now, one person just going home to Mommy a little bit sooner. Goodnight."
M/S Audience in rally
W/S Trump finishing speech
Washington would not need to worry about its oil and gas reserves after the drone attacks on Saudi Arabia oil facilities threw oil prices off balance in the world, according to US President Donald Trump speaking at a New Mexico rally on Monday night.
“We don't want to panic, but a few years ago they would have been in a panic. Today we have a lot of oil. We got a lot of gas. A lot of oil and gas,” said Trump who boasted of US’s independence in the energy sector.
In his New Mexico rally, Trump is looking ahead to the presidential election of 2020.
He is targeting the state which voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election.
New Mexico has a sizable Latino population and Trump must attempt to gauge how successful he will be with these voters in the 2020 election, as Latino voters are expected to become the largest minority electorate group for the first time.
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