
Argentina: Protesters gather outside Brazilian embassy over Amazon wildfires

2 24.08.2019
W/S Protesters outside Brazilian Embassy, Buenos Aires
W/S Protesters outside Brazilian embassy with placards
W/S Protesters outside Brazilian embassy
M/S Protesters with placards
C/U Placard
M/S Protesters with placards
C/U Placard
C/U Placard
SOT, Jesica Gentile, ecosocialist network (Spanish): "Bolsonaro is responsible because he carries out an economic and political orientation based on the extraction of our natural resources and our land. This is basically to continue benefiting a small sector that is the most dangerous in the world that is the agricultural corporation, livestock. Corporations that pollute, loot and destroy the environment."
W/S Protesters drawing on street with chalk
M/S Placard outside Brazilian Embassy
M/S Speaker at protest
SOT, Rodrigo Bruno, Alliance for Climate (Spanish): "In Australia there was a fire where it took 3 days to raise millions of euros, I wonder where the politicians are. Put more planes to put out the fire."
W/S Protesters with placards
SOT, Rodrigo Bruno, Alliance for Climate (Spanish): "He's laughing, Bolsonaro is laughing. He is the Hitler of Latin America. He is carrying out an ecocide."
M/S Protesters outside Brazilian embassy
W/S Protesters outside Brazilian embassy
M/S Protesters with placards with image of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro
SOT, Jesica Gentile, ecosocialist network (Spanish): "In the face of these continental extractivist policies, we hold Bolsonaro, Macri, Duque, - Pinera responsible, but fundamentally the capitalist system, this production model system that leads us to hunger and the most absolute misery."
W/S Protesters on the street
SOT, Juan Carr, Solidarity Network (Spanish): "I hope that the presidents, those of Latin America and the world will meet. It seems that the Amazon is going to leave us without 5, 10 or 20 per cent of the oxygen that is a tremendous catastrophe, as if an asteroid exploded and we think they have to meet. They fight, they argue, one gets scared by the fire and is scared by the discussions about great world personalities, I dream they are there."
W/S Protesters outside Brazilian embassy
C/U Placards
M/S Security behind barricades
W/S Protesters outside Brazilian embassy
Protesters from the Youth for Climate network and other environmental activist groups gathered outside the Brazilian embassy in Buenos Aires on Friday to protest against the Brazilian government and President Jair Bolsonaro's handling of the recent wildfires raging across the Amazon rainforest. Similar protests have taken place in Barcelona, London and Paris.
"Bolsonaro is responsible because he carries out an economic and political orientation based on the extraction of our natural resources and our land. This is basically to continue benefiting a small sector that is the most dangerous in the world that is the agricultural corporation, livestock. Corporations that pollute, loot and destroy the environment," Jesica Gentile a protester from the ecosocialist network said.
Some protesters blame Bolsonaro's environment policies and his support for logging and land clearing in the Amazon for the recent spate of wildfires. The Brazilian President has accused international non-governmental organisations for starting the fires themselves to damage the Brazilian government's image.
Brazil's National Institute for Space Research reported on Thursday that wildfires were spreading with a record speed across the Amazon basin, saying its data showed an 84 percent increase in fires compared to the same period last year.
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