
USA: 'Baby Trump' balloon greets president on visit to San Diego

1 19.09.2019
W/S US Grant hotel, San Diego
M/S Police officer outside US Grant hotel
W/S Police cordoning off street
C/U Banner reading 'Impeach'
W/S Activists deploying Baby Trump balloon
M/S Activists inflating Baby Trump balloon
M/S Activists inflating Baby Trump balloon
W/S Activists inflating Baby Trump balloon
M/S Baby Trump balloon in the sky
M/S Baby Trump balloon in sky
W/S Protesters holing flag and banner reading 'No war in Iran'
W/S Protesters in conversation
SOT, protester: "Well, that's why we've put the baby Trump up there. He's not welcome in California. We're tired of his hate and racism, and this BS about speaking English, you're in America. America is a country, America is continent, not a country!"
M/S Protesters chanting
M/S Police holding distance between protesters and Trump supporter
SOT, Trump supporter: "I'm glad he's coming here, showing that he still does support Republicans in this state and that as Republicans we have an uphill battle, we can't give up, he hasn't given up on us, and we're not going to give up on him and on the rest of the country".
M/S Trump supporters with banner and Trump's portrait
W/S Protesters holding banners
M/S Lady activist holding a banner reading: 'Dump Trump'
SOT, one of protesters: " I think it's a riot. I think that's what it is. I think he is a baby, he acts like a two-year old, I can't even say a five-year old, so I think it's totally appropriate and right on"
W/S Lady activist in the crowd
W/S Baby Trump in the sky
M/S Baby Trump in the sky
C/U Baby Trump's phone
Dozens of protesters inflated a Baby Trump balloon next to the US Grant hotel in San Diego on Wednesday, where the US President is holding a fundraising event for his 2020 re-election campaign.
Protesters showed their disapproval with Donald Trump and his politics, shouting slogans and holding various banners, including one against starting the war in Iran.
One of activists confessed, "We're tired of his hate and racism". Another demonstrator added that the idea of the balloon depicting Trump as a baby is " totally appropriate and right done" as, according to her, the President acts like " a five-year-old".
A few supporters of Donald Trump attended the protest as well. A man wearing a brick wall suit in support of Trump's politics was positive about the president. "He hasn't given up on us, and we're not going to give up on him."
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