
UN: Refugees offer potential, should not be seen as a burden - Ban Ki-moon

1 19.09.2016
United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said that refugees and migrants "offer great potential" and should not be seen as "burden," while addressing the UN Summit for Refugees and Migrants at the UN headquarters in New York, Monday.
"Today's summit represents a breakthrough in our collective effort to address the challenges of human mobility. More people than ever are on the move," said Ban Ki-moon during the opening session, adding that "refugees and migrants are not to be seen as a burden. They offer great potential if only we unlock it. We must place the human rights of all refugees and migrants at the heart of our commitment."
Mohammed Badran, a member of the Syrian Volunteers in the Netherlands (SYVNL), was also invited to the podium to share his personal experiences as a Syrian refugee. "From the time I arrived in the Netherlands I saw how even Europe is struggling with the growing number of refugees. There is intense public fear about refugees,” Mohammed stated, adding that "As young refugees, we face this anger and fear every day. Doors are closed to us, higher education is denied to us. We are often dismissed, not taken seriously and underestimated."
Badran continued, "Crisis after crisis, conference after conference, it seems inaction is the only thing that the international community can agree on. If world leaders today are unable to find a solution for the refugee crisis and the Syrian crisis, then this summit is no different from all other conferences."
The UN Summit for Refugees and Migrants is the first ever UN organised summit addressing large movements of refugees and migrants, while seeking to adopt a blueprint for a better international response to the issue.
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