
Peru: Protest against Congress dissolution hits Lima

2 15.10.2019
W/S Rival protesters arguing, Lima
M/S Rival protesters arguing
M/S Police separating rival protesters
W/S Protesters against dissolution of Congress chanting and holding posters
M/S Police separating rival protesters
W/S Police separating rival protesters
M/S Protesters against dissolution of Congress chanting and holding posters
SOT, Javier Villa Stein, Lawyer (Spanish): "It is very clear that a coup d'etat has happened in Peru, and we have to be here, in principle, to reject that coup d'etat of Mr. Vizcarra, who will respond in due course in court."
C/U Poster with President of Peru Martin Vizcarra with word written (Spanish): "Dictator"
M/S Protesters against dissolution of Congress chanting and holding posters
C/U Poster reading (Spanish): "Tyrant Vizcarra, traitor to the Peruvian people" and "Press is sold"
W/S Protesters against dissolution of Congress chanting and holding posters
M/S Poster with Vizcarra with word written (Spanish): "Dictator"
C/U Poster
W/S Protesters chanting
SOT, Protester of dissolution of Congress (Spanish): "To clear itself of its 48 complaints, because the Moquegua scoundrel, with 48 complaints and submerged in Chinchero, cannot fight corruption because that scoundrel represents corruption."
W/S Rival protesters
Protesters opposing the dissolution of Peru's Congress flooded Lima streets, accusing country's President Martin Vizcarra of a coup d'etat, on Monday.
People held Vizcarra's pictures with the word "dictator" written on them, facing off with some of the passers-by who supported the dissolution, with police separating rival groups.
"It is very clear that a coup d'etat has happened in Peru, and we have to be here, in principle, to reject that coup d'etat of Mr. Vizcarra, who will respond in due course in court," said lawyer, Javier Villa Stein.
The dissolution announcement came after lawmakers voted to replace almost all Constitutional Court judges despite the objections of President Vizcarra, who presented a vote of confidence to the Congress in an attempt to prevent the replacements. Vizcarra dissolved the Congress after it appointed a new justice. Opposition politicians who held the majority in Congress said the dissolution amounted to a coup.
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