
Spain: No sleigh! Thousands of gift-laden biker Santas flood Barcelona

252 16.12.2019
W/S Santas on motorcycles, Barcelona
W/S Santas on motorcycles
W/S Santas on motorcycles
M/S Santas on motorcycles
W/S Santas on motorcycles
W/S Santas on motorcycles
M/S Santas on motorcycles
M/S Santas on motorcycles
M/S Child waving to Santa's on motorcycles
M/S People waving to Santa's on motorcycles
M/S People waving to Santa's on motorcycles
M/S Santas on motorcycles
W/S Santas on motorcycles
W/S Santas on motorcycles
W/S Santas on motorcycles
W/S Santa's on motorcycles
W/S Santas on motorcycles
W/S Santas on motorcycles
W/S Santas on motorcycles
W/S Santas on motorcycles
M/S People waving to Santa's on motorcycles
SOT, Carlos Franquet, motorcyclist (Spanish): "We get together in Plaza Espana to make a gift delivery. Gifts are donated for children who cannot have a gift this year. We do it together. And especially to revive Christmas, as it seems that it is being lost and this way you revive it."
W/S Santas on motorcycles *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Carlos Franquet, motorcyclist (Spanish): "I think that this year more than 2,500 [motorcycles] participated. More than 2,500 for sure."
W/S Santas on motorcycles
SOT, Adrian, motorcyclist (Spanish): "This is to welcome Christmas and for everyone to enjoy. Not only those who ride a motorcycle, but also the people who can see it."
W/S Santas on motorcycles
W/S Santas on motorcycles
W/S Santas on motorcycles
W/S Santas on motorcycles
M/S Santa helper boys on motorcycles
M/S Santas on motorcycles
M/S Santas on motorcycles waving
M/S Santas on motorcycles
M/S Child waving to Santas
Over two thousand biker Santas roared into Barcelona without a reindeer in sight on Sunday, as part of a charitable event aimed at helping children at risk of social exclusion.
Children were among those gathered to wave and cheer on the swarm of motorcycling Santas as they toured around the city.
"We get together in Plaza Espana to make a gift delivery. Gifts are donated for children who cannot have a gift this year. We do it together. And especially to revive Christmas, as it seems that it is being lost and this way you revive it," said Carlos Franquet, one of the participants.
Organised by Unlimited Racing Bikes club in coordination with the Spanish Red Cross, the tour, which has run for 6 years, brings together bikers to deliver presents to disadvantaged children.
Requirements for joining the parade are to be dressed in Santa outfit, ride a motorcycle, and bring at least one gift per person, the club's official website states.
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