
Sudan: Military and civilian leaders sign power sharing deal agreement

1 17.07.2019
W/S Press conference, Khartoum
SOT, General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, Deputy Head of Sudanese Transitional Military Council (Arabic): ''The signing of a political agreement between the military council and The Forces of Freedom and Change alliance is a historical moment for the Sudanese nation in its struggle, opening a new promising era of partnership between our armed forces, the Rapid Support Forces and all other regular forces with the pioneers of the Sudanese revolution and our partners in The Forces of Freedom and Change alliance. This agreement is the long-awaited fruit of a continuous effort, honouring freedom, peace and justice.''
W/S Journalists
SOT, Ibrahim al-Amin, protest leader (Arabic): ''Today we have to look towards a new era and to depend on ourselves and stay away from all that divides us, Sudan is for all the Sudanese. Yes, the signatories today are part of the revolution and are part of the Sudanese people, however their services and care will expand in the next government to cover all the Sudanese."
M/S Leaders
SOT, Mohamoud Dirir, Ethiopian mediator (Arabic): ''This great nation deserves this historical day in which its sons work hand in hand, I am not saying the parties, I am not saying the two sides, but I say the one united block.''
M/S Leaders
SOT, Mohammed el-Hassan Labat, African Union Special Envoy to Sudan (Arabic): ''We've reached a great agreement, that constitutes a turning point in the path of a comprehensive accord between the two powers. This accord introduces a new era and facilitates the second step, as described by Dr. Ibrahim, which is the study, revision and the authentication of the constitution of the transitional phase.''
M/S Signing
M/S Delegates
M/S Signing
M/S Leaders shake hands and embrace
M/S Leaders raise fists
M/S Military leader waves at crowd *NO AUDIO AT SOURCE*
M/S Women chanting
Sudan's military leaders and representatives of the opposition signed the political declaration of a power sharing agreement in Khartoum on Wednesday, laying out a three-year transition period before general elections planned for 2022.
The deal between the opposition Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) and the Transitional Military Council (TMC), which was announced on July 5, establishes a ruling sovereign council to be led by the military for 21 months after which a civilian-run administration will take over for 18 months.
Further details are expected to be finalised in a second, constitutional deal by Friday.
The military council took control of Sudan after ousting the long-time leader Omar Al-Bashir in a coup on April 11 this year. On the same day protesters flooded the area outside the Defence Ministry demanding transition to civilian rule, leading to a months-long standoff and outbreaks of violence.
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