
Luxembourg: PM Bettel holds solo presser after booed Johnson leaves

0 16.09.2019
W/S Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel walking with UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson while people boo, Luxembourg
C/U EU, UK and Luxembourg flags
W/S Bettel walking to podium
SOT, Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister of Luxembourg: "I wanted to thank Mr Johnson, who was here today, for the exchange that we had, for me it was important to listen to Prime Minister Johnson."
W/S Press conference in progress
SOT, Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister of Luxembourg: "For Luxembourg, our positions in regards to a deal has always been very clear. The first priority in any withdrawal agreement or declaration on the future relationship is the preservation of the single market. Second, we need a deal that protects the Good Friday agreement and avoids a hard border on the Irish island at all costs. The only solution that is currently on the table that meets all these criteria is the withdrawal agreement that we agreed on in November last year with the negotiator Michel Barnier and who has got the support by all 27 members and also by the European Parliament. I know, that the UK government is unhappy with the withdrawal agreement as it stands. That's why I thought that it was important to speak to Prime Minister Johnson to get proposals. We need more than just words. We need a legally operable text to work on as soon as possible if we want to meet the October deadline. I have never minced my words when asked about another extension. So let me be very clear once again. An extension is only an option if it serves a purpose. We will not grant another extension just for the sake of granting another extension."
M/S Police
SOT, Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister of Luxembourg: "I repeat, this Brexit, it is not my choice. It's been a decision from a party, it was a decision from David Cameron to do it. They decide, they decide. I deeply regret it. But don't put the blame on us because now they don't know how to get out of this situation they put themselves in. It's not my choice."
W/S Journalists
M/S Journalists
SOT, Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister of Luxembourg: "I asked also Mr. Johnson that I read in the papers a few days ago that it goes from big progress to Hulk to David Cameron proposing a second Brexit. And Mr. Johnson said that there won't be a second referendum because I asked him: 'Wouldn't that be a solution also to get out of the situation?' There won't be a second referendum. And my wish would be to have a deal. A no deal is lose-lose situation. We worked the last not weeks, but years, to fix an agreement. And the ball, the decision is now in Westminster. But I even have no guarantee if Mr. Johnson is able to do an agreement where he thinks he could try to pass to Parliament that he will get the majority in the House of Commons."
W/S Journalists
SOT, Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister of Luxembourg: "Now it's, it's on Mr Johnson, he holds the future of all UK citizens and every EU citizen living in the UK -in his hands. It's his responsibility. Your people, our people count on you, but the clock is ticking, use your time wisely."
W/S Press conference ending
Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel held a press conference alone as his UK counterpart Boris Johnson didn't join him after the Brexit talks between the two leaders ended, in Luxembourg on Monday.
Footage shows a group of protesters booing and jeering as Bettel and Johnson exit the building.
Bettel said the UK alone, not the EU, was to blame for the Brexit crisis, stressing: "Brexit is not my choice. It's been a decision from a party, it was a decision from David Cameron to do it. They decide, they decide. I deeply regret it. But don't put the blame on us because now they don't know how to get out of this situation, they put themselves in."
Bettel also said he would back an extension of Article 50 if only it would serve a purpose, adding that "we will not grant another extension just for the sake of granting another extension."
The Luxembourg Prime Minister added that he was not sure whether Johnson would be able to pass any deal through the House of Commons.
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