
In the beginning there was silence and darkness all across the earth.
Then came the wind and a hole in the sky.
Thunder and lightning came crashing down,
hit the earth and split the ground,
fire burned high in the sky.
down below fire melted the stone,
the ground shook and started to pound.
The gods made heavy metal and they saw that is was good. They said to play it louder than Hell. We promised that we would. When losers say it's over with, you know that it's a lie the gods made heavy metal and it's never gonna die!!!
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Pop folk ...... just sux. Muzika za ograni4eni hora , selqci , cigani , turci , maloumni , bavni , ne6tastnici ! NE MOJE DA SE NARE4E STIL !!!!!!!!!

O6te li ne razbrahte 4e taq tupotiq nqma bude6te? Dori vie glupavi , ograni4eni 4algari ako se zamislite 6te razberete 4e muzikata vi miri6e na konski laina. Molq zamislete se !

haha sme6nici , mizernici Dieeeeeeeee

Glupavi , mirizlivi , 4algari trqq se nau4ite da slu6ate ne6to isinsko. Ne razbirate li kolko ste sme6ni ? Vsi4ki ste izrodi do 1 !


smuuuuuuuuurt za ivana!! Dolo gadni , mirizlivi 4algari :@ mrete do 1.... rofl

Smuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurt .!. !!!

opa sry ne pro4etoh komentarite po dolo.

iskam da popitam , tazi pesen si e na cildren of bodom originalna nali ? za6toto Dope imat su6tata


uu e ga pukne samo hubaviq grad srami...

si4ki 4algari na kladata uuuu

dano umre ot rak na slivata

dano pukne maika i deba

e bati ovcata dano q nabuchat na kol i nqkoi i izvadi o4ite

e ga umre nekade

pahaha da imitira korn tctct tapak

:-D :-D :-D

:-D :-D :-D

тупооо :-(