
I want that night that I was in your arms ... I would like to get that revenge which you gave me the coffee I want again to me to ... do not let me go and just like in your hugs and kisses to last you gave me ... I would like your flavor is up
to me and they never lose ...But that night was only one and will never be repeated ... this makes the pain of spoken words from you even deeper and more intense ... Now we are just friends, but you can not understand how it hurts me from that thought and spoken by all of them friendly words from you ... When I hear your voice began to cry quietly because the pain is too real ... pray to the Lord to return that night and again to me and still like in your Embrace be me ... this guy understand that the pain is too unbearable ... those words which you uttered hurt me enough but now the pain is becoming much thought because we're just friends me crazy ... I love you