
LoVe is JuSt a GaMe WiTh No RuLeS

For Me GiViNg Up Is WaY HaRdEr ThAn TrYiNg...

People fear death more than pain.
Its strange that thay fear death.
Life hurts a lot more than death.
the point of death,the pain is over...

NeVeR MaKe YoUrSeLf FeEl LiKe NoThInG To MaKe SoMeOnE ElSe FeEl LiKe EvErYtHiNk...

My inspiration - TVD , PLL , GoSsIp GiRl
I LoVe ThE BoOk - Night World

It takes only ONE negative comment to KIIL a dream.. Remember that next time..

OnLy A VaMpIrE CaN LoVe FoReVeR....

xo xo I KNOW YOU LOVE ME , lolliipop...