
Fear is not evil... it tells you what your weakness is. And once you know what your weakness is you become stronger as well as kinder.

Dont just accept lose or defeat! Accept it after you are dead! If you lose without dying that mean luck
is on your side. If that happens, focus on surviving! Survive and kill the one who couldn't kill you.

Doesn't matter if you are weak. If you struggle hard enough, you can make a miracle happen!

The final curtain is at the very moment a person gives up.

"Whether fairies have tails or not, or whether they even exist, nobody knows for sure. So it's like an eternal mystery, an eternal adventure."

If you truly want to free yourself from fear... strengthen your soul!!!

Someday my memories will fade...and her voice, her actions, I might forget them as well, but I will always remember that I loved her!

I will never give up! The time i lose is when i die! As long as i dont admit defeat...then it will never be a lose!!!

You might be able to do it if you try. But if you don’t try, you definitely can’t.Are you a coward?

Even if everyone calls you a liar, even if you hate yourself, I’ll be on your side.

The first one to move wins. Stay on the defensive and you'll lose your chance.

The spirit did not create us perfectly good.She gave us the freedom to try and become a bit better everyday.

The only thing you must truly fear is your own weakness!

Although I’m weak and full of flaws, I will never stop moving forward. No matter who I am, no one other than myself will create my own existence.

Do not forget those who have always stood by your side and supported you. If you do not fail to keep them in mind…you shall never lose yourself.

What i will get in exchange for what i've lost depends only on me !

If there is one person you wish to protect, you must be cruel enough to get rid of everything else becouse no one can get back what they have lost !

Opportunities wait for no one! If you let an opportunity slip through your fingers with an excuse like, “I wasn’t prepared.” You’ll never get another opportunity like that again! But it is your life. Live it the way you want.

Even if things are painful and tough, people should appreciate what it means to be alive.

Worrying about rejection may be the same as rejecting yourself.

There are things you cant avoid, even if you dont like them.I decided I dont want to be beaten up by the things that happen to me.