
Spain: Barcelona reacts to jailing of Catalan politicians and ensuing unrest

0 15.10.2019
W/S Painted yellow ribbon, Barcelona
C/U Painted yellow ribbon
W/S People walking in square
SOT, Vicente, Barcelona resident (Spanish): "The Supreme Court has spoken, so the rulings are no longer discussed, the [judges] have already discussed them, so we must move on."
W/S People at square *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Irene, Barcelona resident (Spanish): "The ruling seems so unfair for me. I believe that it is really important for all citizens to have the right to decide, and I believe that the only thing politicians did was to deliver what citizens asked them to do: the right of self-determination and the right to decide."
W/S Square with painted yellow ribbon *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Montse, Barcelona resident (Spanish): "It's a lot of years for what it is, people who defend their ideals when there are politicians who steal, rapists and people who kill have shorter sentences, it seems very exaggerated."
C/U Yellow ribbon *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Jaime, Barcelona resident (Spanish): "For me, it has to be longer, for them, it has to be longer. Why? So easy, they cheated the people, they tricked the people, they robbed the people, and they want to be freed so easily, no."
W/S People walking
M/S Collserola Tower
SOT, Irene, Barcelona resident (Spanish): "About the protests that have been happening and especially the one at the airport yesterday, I think that is a way to make us all be heard, especially in Europe and at an international level. They don't look bad to me."
W/S Building *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Vicente, Barcelona resident (Spanish): "I think that the right to demonstrate is a constitutional right that has to be respected. It's one of the most important rights that the constitution gives us. Although one thing is the right of demonstrate and the other one is to prevent the normal development of the city life."
M/S Man sitting on bench *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Montse, Barcelona resident (Spanish): "Well, every time people have to demonstrate, what happens is that sometimes we block places that may not be the most ideal ones, but we have the right to protest, the only thing I think is that it always has to be more peaceful than what it is, either from the police side, and the protesters side."
M/S Man reading
C/U Man reading
SOT, Jaime, Barcelona resident (Spanish): "I think it isn't right, people who paid to travel, are not guilty, nor should have to pay the price of what four jerks do, it's like that, and that's all."
W/S Square
Barcelona residents expressed a variety of views on the Supreme Court case jailing Catalan independence leaders and the protests which erupted throughout Catalonia's capital, when interviewed on Tuesday.
Irene said the sentences of up to 13 years seemed "unfair".
"I believe that it is really important for all citizens to have the right to decide, and I believe that the only thing politicians did was to deliver what citizens asked them to do: the right of self-determination and the right to decide", she added.
On the other hand, Jaime said the sentence had to be longer, because according to him, politicians "cheated", "tricked" and "robbed" the people.
When referring to the city-wide unrest which broke out on Monday, including mass demonstrations and blockades of both Barcelona's main train stations and El Prat airport, Montse stated they might have not been "the most ideal places" but people have the right to protest.
"The only thing I think is that it always has to be more peaceful than what it is, either from the police side, and the protesters side", she continued.
Spain's Supreme Court sentenced nine independence leaders to between nine and 13 years in prison on sedition charges over their part in the region's 2017 independence referendum. Three others avoided jail terms but received fines.
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