
Bahamas: Chef Jose Andres offers help to Bahamians in midst of Hurricane Dorian

10 030 03.09.2019
SOT, Jose Andres, chef: "So I want everybody to understand, this, we are not near the hurricane, we are like 90 miles away. Imagine what's going on in Abaco. And the hurricane didn't even reach Abaco yet. This is going to be one of the biggest ever, I cannot believe the waves. I think this really, really going to be a huge, a huge hurricane, so let's pray for everybody in Abaco and Grand Bahamas."
SOT, Jose Andres, chef: "Hi everybody, I am here with our friend, Mr Ed Fields. He is the Senior Vice President for Atlantis Resort Government Relations. And him and Atlantis - they've been helping World Central Kitchen, trying to helping together the people at Bahamas. You know Abaco and Grand Bahamas is badly damaged. And it's amazing for me to see the private sector and all the people at of Bahamas from the prime minister all the way to every single person coming together to try to provide relief aid as quick as we can. We are going to be going [to] Abaco hopefully tomorrow, but again the hurricane is still is over Grand Bahamas. And we need to make sure that everything is safe for the relief teams to go in and help. Anything else you want to say to our friends?"
Edward Fields, Senior Vice-President of Public Affairs at Atlantis: "We are just going to do all we can to try to help. I mean that's all we could focus on right now - is to help our brothers and sisters in Abaco and Grand Bahamas. So our efforts are focussed on that."
Jose Andres, chef: "Thank you for your help, Sir. So we are here at the distribution centre of Atlantis. And right here, we are putting together all the things that we are going to be needing, obviously World Central Kitchen, mainly we do feeding and water. But Atlantis is helping with many other needs that those two islands in the north are going to be waiting for us to deliver. So we'll keep reporting more. But again, follow us and wait for tomorrow. Hopefully, we are going to be in Abaco and we can start very soon feeding anybody that is in need of a plate of hot food."
Famous Spanish-American Chef Jose Andres travelled to the Bahamas to provide fresh meals with his relief organisation, the World Central Kitchen, to residents weathering Hurricane Dorian on Monday.
Footage shows Jose Andres filming himself in the midst of a violent storm, while explaining that "this is going to be the biggest [hurricane] ever."
The celebrity chef later filmed himself alongside Edward Fields, the Senior Vice-President of Public Affairs at Atlantis, whom he praised for his involvement in the relief efforts.
"You know Abaco and Grand Bahamas is badly damaged. And it's amazing for me to see the private sector and all the people at of Bahamas from the prime minister all the way to every single person coming together to try to provide relief aid as quick as we can," said Andres.
The chef added that they are planning on going to Abaco islands, a group of islands in the north of Bahamas, the following day.
Dorian exceeded previous estimations and became a category five storm, and is carrying the strongest winds in recorded history in the north-western Bahamas, according to NASA.
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