
Greece: "Liquidity until banking holiday ends" - head of Greece's banking association

52 03.07.2015
Journalist (Greek): "Will the ATM cap be reduced?" Louka Katseli, President of the Greek Banking Association (Greek): "No, there is no such issue. Until the banking holiday ends, things will move forward exactly as planned." Journalist (Greek): "So we don't know if banks will open on Tuesday." Louka Katseli, President of the Greek Banking Association (Greek): "Everyone is trying towards offering a bigger range of banking services for the people." President of Greece's banking association Louka Katseli announced there was "liquidity until the banking holiday ends", following a meeting between Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis and banking officials at the Finance Ministry in Athens, Friday. Katseli went on to say that, whilst Greek banks have a liquidity cushion of one billion euros, the "framework in which banks will operate" beyond Monday will be determined by "the decision of the ECB (European Central Bank)". The president was speaking in reference to the ECB's announcement that they may loosen funding to the Greek banks if the Greek people vote 'yes' in Sunday's upcoming bailout referendum. A finance ministry official said that the meeting at the Finance Ministry was attended by the Deputy Governor of the Bank of Greece Theodoros Mitrakos, as well as the Presidents or Managing Directors of the country's five largest banks including Eurobank, Attica Bank and the National Bank of Greece. The meeting comes as the Greek people are set to hold a referendum on July 5 to decide whether to accept the austerity measures requested by the so-called "troika" (IMF, ECB, EC). The Greek government closed the country's banks on Monday, as well as imposing limits on cash withdrawals until July 6. A 'No' vote by the Greek people would reject new austerity measures that are demanded by Greece's creditors, while a 'Yes' would accept the institutions' conditions for a new Greek bailout package.
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