
UK: Letwin Amendment passes, withholding approval of Brexit deal

24 501 19.10.2019
W/S UK Parliament, London
SOT, teller: "The Ayes to the right, 322, the Nos to the left, 306." *MUTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE*
M/S Teller bringing vote to Speaker of House John Bercow *CUTAWAY*
SOT, John Bercow, Speaker of the House: "The Ayes to the right, 322, the Nos to the left, 306. So the Ayes have it, the Ayes have it. Unlock."
W/S UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson at stand to speak *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister: "It’s been a very important debate and exceptional moment for our country, an exceptional moment for our Parliament. Alas, the opportunity to have a meaningful vote has effectively been passed up, because the meaningful vote has been voided of meaning. But I wish the House today that I am not daunted or dismayed by this particular result. And I think it probably became likely once it was obvious that the amendment from my right honourable friend, the member for West Dorset was going to remain on the order paper. I continue in the very strong belief that the best thing for the UK, and for the whole of Europe is for us to leave with this new deal on October the 31st, and to anticipate the questions that are coming from the benches opposite, I will not negotiate a delay with the EU. And neither does the law compel me to do so. I will tell our friends and colleagues in the EU exactly what I told everyone in the last 88 days that I served as prime minister, that further delay will be bad for this country, bad for our European Union and bad for democracy. So next week the government will introduce the legislation needed for us to leave the EU with our new deal on October the 31st. And I hope that European Union colleagues and friends will not be attracted as benches opposite are, or rather I should say the front benches is by delay. I don’t think that they will be attracted by delay, and I hope that then, honourable members, faced with a choice of our new deal, our new deal for the UK and the European Union, will change their minds, because it was pretty close today. I hope that they will change their minds and support this deal in overwhelming numbers." *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE*
W/S Johnson sitting down
The UK Parliament passed a backbench amendment put forth by Oliver Letwin to withhold the approval of the Brexit deal until the legislation to enact it, is passed. The amendment passed with 322 votes to 306 against, during the session on Saturday in London.
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