
Italy: Ribery joins Fiorentina after leaving Bayern Munich

0 23.08.2019
W/S French football player Franck Ribery arrives at presser in Florence
SOT, Frank Ribery, French football player (French): "We talked for a long time, and in the end we found a solution, and I'm really happy to have come here to Florence. I get a vibe from Fiorentina management that they're very, very excited for me to play for Fiorentina. I also feel a great deal of trust from them, that's why I'm here. I'm really happy. my wife also played an important role, because my family is really important above all, and I know Florence is a beautiful city." *NO CUTAWAY AT SOURCE*
SOT, Frank Ribery, French football player (French): "I came here to help Fiorentina, not to compete with Cristiano Ronaldo. I came to help Fiorentina, help my new team, and it's really important for me to be able to help them." *NO CUTAWAY AT SOURCE*
SOT, Frank Ribery, French football player (French): "I was lucky to find a club like Fiorentina, who trust me a lot, and I have a lot of respect for [Italian football player Francesco] Totti, as a person and as a player. I hope to be able to play until 40 like him, although we're not in the same position." *NO CUTAWAY AT SOURCE*
M/S Fiorentina consultant Joe Barone, Ribery and sporting director sporting director Daniele Prade
W/S Crowd cheers
W/S Crowd cheers
M/S Joe Barone applauding
M/S Ribery
W/S Crowd
M/S Ribery shaking hands with fans
M/S Ribery takes selfie, shakes hands with fans
M/S Ribery takes selfie
M/S Ribery signs autograph, holds baby
M/S Ribery takes selfie
W/S Ribery and crowd
M/S Ribery
French football player Franck Ribery has joined the ACF Fiorentina team as a free transfer after leaving FC Bayern Munich at the end of last season, he announced in a press conference on Thursday in the Italian team's hometown of Florence.
"I get a vibe from Fiorentina management that they're very, very excited for me to play for Fiorentina. I also feel a great deal of trust from them, that's why I'm here," he said. "I came here to help Fiorentina, not to compete with Cristiano Ronaldo."
Ribery played 12 years for Munich after joining from Marseille in 2007. The 36-year-old winger said he hopes to play passed the age of 40 like Italian player Francesco Totti though he acknowledges the two do not play in the same position.
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