
Lebanon: Palestinian refugees protest restrictions on unlicensed foreign workers

0 17.07.2019
W/S Protesters setting tires on fire during protest in Burj Barajneh camp, Beirut
M/S Tires on fire
M/S Cars driving next to fire
C/U Tires on fire
M/S Protester chanting (Arabic): "Raise your flags, raise it for Palestine’"
M/S Protesters clapping and chanting
M/S Protesters clapping and chanting
M/S Protesters chanting (Arabic): "Open the borders for us"
M/S Protesters clapping and chanting
M/S Protesters holding signs
M/S Protester leading chants
W/S Protester leading chants
M/S Protesters clapping and chanting (Arabic): "May the minister's decision fail"
C/U Protester with mouth covered with Palestinian flag
C/U Sign reading (Arbic): "Yes for the cancellation of the arbitrary measures against the Palestinian workers"
C/U Protester wearing keffiyeh
SOT, Mahmoud, protester (Arabic): "This is a project [meant] to pass the 'deal of the century' through the Lebanese Minister of Labour. It is the hands of Zionism, which are working on this subject. We do not want resettlement, we have two solutions, either you let us return to Palestine or you abandon us."
W/S Protester chanting *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Mohanad, protester (Arabic): "We wish that the Lebanese government adopts a ministerial resolution to solve the problem of the Palestinian people and not to restrict the Palestinian people."
M/S Protesters chanting and clapping *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Soaad Abed Alrahman, protester (Arabic): "International law states that as a forcibly displaced refugee in Lebanon I do have the right to work and [I am] entitled to the human rights stipulated in international forums. Therefore, we inform the Minister of Labour and Government of Lebanon and the international community listening to us today, that we have a granted right on the basis that we are forcibly displaced refugees, in Lebanon, and this is one of our entitlements by law."
W/S Local sitting on balcony
M/S Palestinian flag
W/S Protesters
Palestinian refugees gathered on the streets of Beirut's Burj Barajneh camp on Wednesday, for a third consecutive day of protests against Lebanon's crackdown on companies that hire foreign workers without a permit.
Residents set alight to tires and shouted slogans as they rallied in the area.
Many are asking Lebanon's Labour Ministry and government to ensure they retain access to the local labour market in the wake of the crackdown.
"We wish that the Lebanese government adopts a ministerial resolution to solve the problem of the Palestinian people and not to restrict the Palestinian people," said one protester.
In June, the Labour Ministry reportedly announced that companies in Lebanon had one month to acquire permits to enable foreign workers to gain employment. Following the deadline's expiration last week, it started to shut down non-compliant businesses.
Despite Lebanon's Labour Minister Camille Abousleiman reportedly saying the move was not targeted at Palestinian refugees, many protesters are reported to believe the decision will affect them by resulting in discriminatory practices on the job market.
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