
Syria: Town of Khan Sheikhoun recaptured by SAA

1 24.08.2019
W/S Vehicle on road and destroyed buildings, Khan Sheikhoun, Idlib province
M/S Damaged building
SOT, A former resident of Khan Sheikhoun (Arabic): "Since 2011 I've never been that happy, I am happy because of the victories of the Syrian Army and them recapturing the town of Khan Sheikhoun and liberating it from the terrorist mercenary militants."
W/S Town of Khan Sheikhoun, Idlib province
W/S Road and destroyed buildings
M/S Sign reading (Arabic): "Electricity power operation room of Khan Sheikhoun"
SOT, A former resident of Khan Sheikhoun (Arabic): "I have been forcibly displaced from the town of Khan Sheikhoun since 2011, my children were still young, my boy was only 2 years old, yesterday he informed me that the Syrian Army had entered Khan Sheikhoun [he said] so let's go back to the town, I said to him we will return soon because this land is our land we are the residents of Khan Sheikhoun not the terrorist groups."
W/S Destroyed buildings
W/S Road and destroyed buildings
SOT, A former resident of Khan Sheikhoun (Arabic): "After being pressured by the terrorist groups who threatened to kill us we've been forced out of the town and after refusing to accept their rule, we've been displaced since 2011, June 2011, they robbed us and burnt our houses they did not leave anything for us, but we are returning now and happy."
M/S Sign reading (Arabic): 'Khan Sheikhoun'
W/S Vehicle on road and destroyed buildings
SOT, A former resident of Khan Sheikhoun (Arabic): "We are now in the town of Khan Sheikhoun which was full of terrorist groups and was receiving the support from the Turkish and the Saudi and the American sides and all other countries that support terrorism. And at this moment, thank god, the Syrian Arab Army has liberated this area and this town which was the fortress of the terrorists."
M/S Sign reading (Arabic): "Electricity power operation building of Khan Sheikhoun"
W/S Vehicle on road
SOT, Soldier of the Syrian Arab Army (Arabic): "These areas of Northern Hama are considered as some of the most dangerous fortified areas of the armed groups. But we've managed to take control of the area and it fell under our fire leading the militants to leave the town even before entering it."
M/S Statue in town
M/S Graffiti sprayed on wall reading (Arabic): "Tahrir Alsham"
SOT, Soldier of the Syrian Arab Army (Arabic): "God willing the North of Hama is going to be declared completely cleared of terrorism."
W/S Khan Sheikhoun town
W/S Road leading to town
The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) announced the recapture of the strategic town of Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib province, on Thursday.
Footage shot on Friday reveals derelict buildings and deserted streets in the town with soldiers and military hardware on its outskirts.
"After being pressured by the terrorist groups, who threatened to kill us, we were forced out of the town… they robbed us and burnt our houses, they did not leave anything for us, but we are returning now and happy," said a resident of Khan Sheikhoun.
According to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) the towns of Latamina, Kafar Zita, Latmin, Morek, M’aerkaba, and al-Lahaya in Hama's northern countryside are now under the SAA’s control.
The SAA resumed military operations in Hama and Idlib provinces earlier this month, accusing the militants of failing to abide by the conditions of a ceasefire declared on August 1.
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