
France: Macron says G7 'all agree that we must help' fight Amazon fires

2 25.08.2019
SOT, Emmanuel Macron, French President (French): "We all agree that we must help as soon as possible all countries affected by those [Amazon] fires. There are several. This morning, Colombia has called to the international community and we have to show that we are here to help. We will finalise this. Contacts have been made by our teams with all Amazonian countries in order to finalise very concrete technical and financial commitments."
SOT, Journalist (French): "Do you trust Mr. Trump to respect the deals you make with him and not him changing his mind the next day?
SOT, Emmanuel Macron, French President (French): "Mr. Trump is president of the United States of America."
SOT, Journalist (French): "Meaning?"
SOT, Emmanuel Macron, French President (French): "Meaning the first world power and our ally. This is why I met with him as soon as he arrived. He had a fantastic time, we had lunch for two hours. We spoke about all the important topics in a very useful way. And I believe that this direct dialogue helps us move forward."
SOT, Emmanuel Macron, French President (French): "We had a discussion about Iran yesterday. Two main, common points came out of it: Firstly, no G7 member wants Iran to ever have nuclear weapons. Second, all G7 members are deeply attached to peace and stability in the region and do not want to undertake actions that could harm the region."
SOT, Emmanuel Macron, French President (French): "I think we are all very useful regarding this matter [Iran]. If Europeans hadn't stayed in the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action), Iran would have left. So it was useful that some stayed. If there hadn't been sanctions and political pressure, there would maybe be less incentive to change things from the Iranian side."
French President Emmanuel Macron said that his fellow G7 leaders were all in agreement about the need to help fight the fires raging in the Amazon rainforest, while speaking to the media at the G7 summit in Biarritz on Sunday.
"We all agree that we must help as soon as possible all countries affected by those [Amazon] fires," he said, adding that "Contacts have been made by our teams with all Amazonian countries in order to finalise very concrete technical and financial commitments."
Macron also said that Iran was discussed on the first day of the G7 summit and "two main, common points came out of it: Firstly, no G7 member wants Iran to ever have nuclear weapons. Second, all G7 members are deeply attached to peace and stability in the region and do not want to undertake actions that could harm the region."
The French president also dodged a question by a reporter on whether he trusted US President Donald Trump to stick to his word, initially replying simply that "Mr. Trump is president of the United States of America," before commenting about their meeting yesterday.
The G7 summit started in Biarritz on Saturday and runs until August 26, with world leaders set to discuss topics including tackling global inequality, the US-China trade dispute, the Hong Kong protests and the climate crisis.
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