
Italy: 'We'll send them home' - Salvini vows comeback at 'Italian pride' rally

2 20.10.2019
W/S People gathered in San Giovanni Square for 'Italian Pride' rally, Rome
C/U Woman shouting
W/S Flags of Catalonia independence, League Party and Italy
C/U Picture of Virgin Mary
M/S Salvini welcomes Forza Italia leader Silvio Berlusconi on stage
M/S Berlusconi on stage
W/S Crowds listen as Berlusconi speaks
M/S Salvini on stage
M/S Man applauding
SOT, Matteo Salvini, League party leader (Italian): "I'm telling you, I'm happy to have gone through one year of experience in the government because I showed Italians the difference between those who talk and those who act. For years we've been told that on migration nothing could be done: for one year, ports closed in Italy. For one year only those with permission to do so arrived."
C/U Salvini speaking *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Matteo Salvini, League party leader (Italian): "In government we have people with hands dirty with blood. More departures, more problems, more deaths. And we will be back in the government - and I am sure of that, as this square tells us - and we'll be back soon from the main entrance."
W/S Speech from Italian author Oriana Fallaci being played *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Matteo Salvini, League party leader (Italian): "Autonomy rhymes with sovereignty. I want to live in a free country, a country where we govern without waiting for a call from Merkel or Macron. Italy to Italians, Italy ruled by Italians for Italians."
C/U Picture of Holy Family *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Matteo Salvini, league party leader (Italian): "If Europe had dignity, tomorrow morning it would cancel the EU admission process for Turkey. It's just foolish to think that Turkey can access Europe. I do prefer to talk with Russia or with Israel, never with Turkey. Never with an Islamic regime."
W/S Crowds applauding *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Matteo Salvini, league party leader (Italian): "We have to be patient for a few months, but I invite you to be patient. Calm is the virtue of the strong. We need this period to study, to catch up, to discuss. They can run away from elections for some months but not for their whole life. We are having elections in Umbria, soon in Calabria, in Emilia-Romagna, in Tuscany, in Marche region, in Apulia, in Campania, in Liguria, in Veneto: Italians, heads up! We are going to win all nine elections and we'll send them home. We are going to win all nine elections and we'll send them home. And those who proved to be able to rule will be back in government."
W/S Giant screen on square
M/S Berlsuconi, Meloni and Salvini waving at fans in San Giovanni square, Rome
League party leader Matteo Salvini said his far-right coalition will send the current government home soon while addressing large crowds of people at the 'Italian pride' rally in Rome's central San Giovanni square on Saturday.
The former Interior Minister took to the stage alongside Forza Italia leader Silvio Berlusconi and Fratelli d'Italia (FI) leader Giorgia Meloni, the three main rightwing political forces at the opposition.
"We are going to win all nine elections and we'll send them home. And those who proved to be able to rule will be back in government," Salvini vowed, suggesting that looming regional elections might threaten the stability of the current government coalition.
The populist leader also said his hard stance on migration proved successful, as fewer illegal migrants reached Italian ports last year.
He also mentioned the recent Turkish offensive in Syria, claiming the EU must halt the accession process for an "Islamic regime."
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