
UK: 'We are not robots' - Protesters decry working conditions outside Amazon warehouse

0 20.07.2019
W/S Protesters, outside Amazon warehouse, Rugeley
M/S Placard reading: "Against exploitation of workers"
SOT, Protester: "They tell us of the impossible targets they're set. Walking miles each day, standing for long hours, unable to sit down, afraid to drink water in case they need the bathroom as they cannot afford the time it takes to get to there. Instead, they suffer the dehumanising indignity of having to carry a plastic bottle with them. Afraid to be ill as they face quick dismissals, and far too many accidents are taking place. What employer can say they don't have a problem with health and safety, when there [are] a 115 call-outs of the ambulances service to this site alone in the last three years."
C/U Placards
SOT, Protester: "We are here today because the staff of Amazon have been treated like robots. To ensure that they get proper terms and conditions, Amazon needs to make sure that that they recognise the union. What are we not? Robots."
C/U Placards
SOT, Joe Morgan, Regional Secretary of GMB Birmingham and West Midlands Region: "This is the company that has had 115 ambulances sent here over the last three years. Some absolutely terrible accidents that have happened on the shop floor. They need to practice what they preach. The bloody hypocrites [are] saying that we've got to protect them. And we are not going to go away, Amazon. We are going to stay here until we can't protect our workers on the shop floor. Conditions inside are an absolute disgrace. But this fight, comrades, is not our fight now, this is a global fight. The United States are saying, 'We are not robots.' In Germany, in Deutschland, they are saying, 'Wir sind keine Roboter.' And our camaradas di Espana say, 'No somos robots.'"
W/S Protesters
C/U Placard
SOT, Protester: "I am delighted to be here today to bring a message of support and solidarity from organised workers and say to Amazon workers, you know, 'Join the union, get involved, you know, get yourselves together, and let's get you a fair deal while you're at work like so many others get."
C/U Placard reading: "Do managers treat you with disrespect?"
W/S Protesters clapping
M/S Exterior of Amazon warehouse
W/S Interior of warehouse
M/S Interior of warehouse
C/U Interior of warehouse
M/S Amazon warehouse worker
M/S Interior of warehouse
C/U Interior of warehouse
M/S Interior of warehouse
M/S Interior of warehouse
W/S Interior of warehouse
UK: 'We are not robots' - Scores rally outside Amazon warehouse over plight of workers
Scores of protesters rallied outside Amazon's Rugeley warehouse on Friday, to demonstrate against what they describe as the company's mistreatment of its employees as well as unsafe and "dehumanising" working conditions.
The demonstration was reportedly organised by the GMB union. Some of the protesters were dressed as robots, with various placards put up outside the Amazon warehouse reading "We are not robots" and "Against exploitation of workers."
Allegations have emerged that Amazon warehouse workers have been forced to urinate in plastic bottles during their shifts.
One of the protesters claimed that Amazon warehouse workers "suffer the dehumanising indignity of having to carry a plastic bottle with them." She also denounced the company's "quick dismissals" due to illnesses and "far too many accidents."
Regional Secretary of the GMB Birmingham and West Midlands Region, Joe Morgan, stressed that "conditions inside are an absolute disgrace,” adding, "We are not going to go away, Amazon."
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