
Israel: Former Defence Minister Lieberman casts vote in general election

1 17.09.2019
W/S Former Defence Minister and Chairman of Yisrael Beitenu Avigdor Lieberman walking to polling station with his wife, Nokdim
M/S Lieberman and his wife walking to polling station
M/S Lieberman and his wife entering polling station
M/S Lieberman and his wife casting ballots
W/S People attaching Lieberman banner to fence
M/S People attaching Lieberman banner to fence
M/S Press members
M/S Photographs
SOT, Avigdor Lieberman, Former Defence Minister and Chairman of Yisrael Beitenu (Hebrew): "First of all there will be a third election, it should be clear. It doesn't matter if there will be 61 seats or no 61-seat mandate. Surely, there will not be 61 seats for the Knesset. So we will have to find a proper configuration within the results as they were. As for forming a government, we clearly have said before that we will only support a broad, liberal, national government consisting of Yisrael Beitenu, Likud and Blue and White. No other government will join us and we will not be part of it. Faced with the challenges we face today, the State of Israel needs a broad government. Not a government that survives from one distrust to the next distrust, from week to week, but a stable government that is capable of making tough decisions. And this is only a single government."
M/S Lieberman leaving presser
M/S Men taping Lieberman posters on wall
C/U Lieberman poster
M/S Lieberman posters
M/S Man attaching banner
C/U Man attaching banner
W/S Nokdim polling station
Avigdor Lieberman, the former Defence Minister and Chairman of the right-wing nationalist Yisrael Beitenu party, cast his vote for the Israeli general elections in Nokdim on Tuesday.
Footage shows Lieberman arriving at the polling station with his wife, alongside whom he cast his ballot.
The Yisrael Beitenu candidate then addressed the media and said that a third election can be expected, as the needed majority of 61 seats will not be reached.
Lieberman added that his party will "only support a broad, liberal, national government consisting of Yisrael Beitenu, Likud and Blue and White. No other government will join us and we will not be part of it."
New general elections are held this Tuesday in Israel for the second time in less than six months.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who failed to form a coalition government after the first election, is now trying to win a record fifth term.
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