
Hong Kong: Thousands join city-wide human chain as protests continue

2 23.08.2019
M/S Human chain, Hong Kong
W/S Human chain
M/S Human chain
C/U Hands
C/U People chanting
C/U Human chain
M/S Human chain
W/S Human chain
C/U Sign in French
C/U Signs in German and Italian
M/S Human chain
M/S Protester and sign
M/S Human chain
M/S Human chain
W/S Human chain
M/S Human chain
W/S Christian rally
C/U Speaker
W/S Rally
M/S Rally
M/S People singing *MUSIC AT SOURCE*
W/S Speaker on stage
W/S Rally
SOT, Christian rally-goer: "You see, most of the Church in Hong Kong, the people are dropping year by year for the past thirty years because the Church's leaders are loyal to political parties rather than Jesus Christ. This is why so many people came outside to join such a large-scale assembly."
C/U Speaker
SOT, Christian rally-goer: "I feel a bit hopeless and I hope God can give us the power to face and encounter such situations in Hong Kong and make God stand for Hong Kong and bless Hong Kong."
M/S People singing *MUSIC AT SOURCE*
SOT, Christian rally-goer: "We are Christian, we believe this city belongs to Jesus and we believe Jesus will change these places so we hoped that our protest, our voice we send to the government, to send to Carrie Lam, to tell her that now we are speaking, we are voicing, we are Hong Kong people too, please do something to Hong Kong."
M/S People singing *MUSIC AT SOURCE*
W/S Rally
A human-chain, an estimated 30 miles (48km) long, stretched across Hong Kong on Friday to coincide with the anniversary of the 'Baltic Way' protests against the Soviet Union.
The chain was part of the wave of protests which were sparked two months again over a now-suspended extradition bill.
At around 8pm local time (12pm GMT) sets of protesters began linking arms along three subway lines in a mirror image of the anti-Soviet protests three decades ago.
On August 23rd 1989, some two million people joined forces across Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania to form a 600km (370mi) chain.
The protest in Hong Kong marks the 30th anniversary of the protest and has been dubbed the 'Hong Kong Way.'
Meanwhile, thousands more gathered in Chater Garden in the city's Central district as part of a Christian rally in a bid to bring an end to the violence which has spilled over in recent weeks.
Note: Music in the file may be subject to copyright.
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