
Germany: Anti-terrorism exercise held in Stetten am kalten Markt

2 20.10.2019
W/S Smoke billowing from car, anti-terrorism exercise,
W/S Fire engine arriving
W/S Anti-terrorism exercise
W/S Anti-terrorism exercise
W/S Police car arriving
W/S Smoke billowing
W/S Simulated terrorist attack, 'victims' lying dead on ground
M/S 'Victims' lying dead on ground
M/S 'Victims' lying dead on ground
W/S 'Victims' lying dead on ground; smoke billowing
W/S Police van arriving
M/S Police van arriving
W/S Emergency vehicles
W/S Police officer holding gun in anti-terrorism exercise, police cars
M/S Police officer holding gun in anti-terrorism exercise, police cars
W/S Police officer holding gun in anti-terrorism exercise, police cars
W/S Police car arriving, police van
M/S Police officer pointing gun in anti-terrorism exercise, police car
C/U Police officer pointing gun in anti-terrorism exercise
W/S Police officer pointing gun in anti-terrorism exercise
W/S Police officer pointing gun in anti-terrorism exercise, police cars
M/S Officers during anti-terrorism exercise
M/S Police officers carrying out anti-terrorism exercise
W/S Police officers carrying out anti-terrorism exercise
W/S Helicopter descending
M/S Soldiers fast-roping from helicopter
W/S Soldiers fast-roping from helicopter
M/S Soldier in anti-terrorism exercise
W/S Soldier in anti-terrorism exercise, police car
W/S Police officers carrying out anti-terrorism exercise
M/S Police officers carrying out anti-terrorism exercise
M/S Police officers carrying out anti-terrorism exercise
W/S Police officers carrying out anti-terrorism exercise, 'victims' lying dead on ground
M/S Police officers carrying out anti-terrorism exercise
W/S Police officers carrying out anti-terrorism exercise
W/S Military ambulance
M/S Military ambulance
M/S Military paramedic
W/S Military vehicles
M/S Police military vehicle
M/S Military paramedic
W/S People fleeing as part of anti-terrorism exercise
M/S Police officer
W/S People fleeing as part of anti-terrorism exercise
W/S Military ambulance
W/S Police military vehicle
W/S Police military vehicle
The German armed forces Budeswehr and police participated in the massive anti-terrorism exercise BWTEX (Baden-Wuerttemberg Terrorism Defence Exercise) at the Heuberg Training Area in Stetten am kalten Markt, in the south of Germany, on Saturday.
Some 2,500 people reportedly participated in the exercise, making it one of the largest ever anti-terrorist drills in the country.
Footage shows a real-time simulated terrorist attack, featuring 'gunmen' carrying out the attack and 'victims' lying dead on the ground. Police officers, soldiers and emergency services are then seen responding to the simulated attack.
The anti-terrorism exercise comes days after an attack outside a synagogue in the eastern city of Halle, which claimed the lives of two people.
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