
Germany: Merkel commemorates 75th anniversary of assassination attempt on Hitler

3 20.07.2019
W/S Soldiers carrying wreath and German Chancellor Angela Merkel walking behind them, Berlin
W/S Soldiers carrying wreath and German Chancellor Angela Merkel walking behind them
M/S Merkel laying wreath
M/S Merkel observing wreath and soldier saluting
W/S Merkel observing at wreath next to soldier
W/S Ceremony attendees
W/S Ceremony attendees
M/S Merkel and ceremony attendees
W/S Merkel heading to speak
SOT, Angela Merkel, German Chancellor (German): "We have a duty, as citizens in a democracy; our duty belongs to ensuring that politicians and their volunteers who take on public responsibility, do not therefore have to fear for their lives. It is our duty to ensure that Jews can wear the kippah without concern in German cities. It is our duty not to tolerate people agitating against others because they look differently, talk differently or have a different opinion."
W/S Ceremony attendees on their feet
M/S Ceremony attendees on their feet
W/S Ceremony attendees on their feet
M/S Attendees touching floor
SOT, Angela Merkel, German Chancellor (German): "Europe overcame centuries of long conflicts, a keeping of the peace came into being, which is based on affinity rather than on apparent nation-state power. We Europeans are, for our fortune, united. But today we also have to stand up, with determination, for the future of the European Union against nationalists and populists."
M/S Merkel and ceremony attendees *JUMP CUT AT SOURCE*
W/S Merkel leaving
German Chancellor Angela Merkel commemorated the 75th anniversary of the failed bomb plot to kill Adolf Hitler, in Berlin on Saturday.
The chancellor paid tribute to plot organiser Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg and other German military figures, by laying a wreath of flowers where the colonel and fellow conspirators were executed at Bendlerblock, before giving a speech remarking on what she sees as the duty of citizens in a democracy.
"It is our duty not to tolerate people agitating against others because they look differently, talk differently or have a different opinion," remarked Merkel.
Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg led an unsuccessful assassination plot against Adolf Hitler on June 20, 1944. He and around 200 other co-conspirators were captured and executed.
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