
UK: PM Johnson's Queen's Speech labelled "farce" by Corbyn

1 14.10.2019
W/S House of Commons in session, London
SOT, Jeremy Corbyn, Labour party leader: "Mr Speaker, there has never been such a farce as a government with a majority of minus 45 and a 100 per cent record of defeat in the House of Commons setting out a legislative agenda they know cannot be delivered in this Parliament." *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE*
W/S House of Commons in session *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Jeremy Corbyn, Labour party leader: "Mr Speaker, this government has had three and a half years to get Brexit done and they've failed. The only legitimate way to sort Brexit now is to let the people decide with the final say. To pass this House, any deal needs to meet the needs of workers and businesses." *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE*
W/S House of Commons in session *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Jeremy Corbyn, Labour party leader: "Freedom of movement has given opportunities to millions of British people to live, work and retire across Europe. And it has benefited our economy absolutely immensely, with EU workers playing a key role in sustaining many of our industries and our public service. No responsible member would vote to rip that up, unless there was a proper plan in place." *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE*
W/S House of Commons in session *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Jeremy Corbyn, Labour party leader: "This government has failed on Brexit for over three years. They are barely beginning to undo the damage of a decade of cuts to our public services. It [the Queen's speech] does nothing for people struggling to make ends meet, does nothing to make our world a safer place, or tackle the climate emergency." *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE*
W/S House of Commons in session *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Boris Johnson, British Prime Minister: "As we prepare to get Brexit done by October 31 we are setting out now our vision of an open, global, free-trading United Kingdom. A high wage low tax economy with the highest environmental standards, new protections for animal welfare, the best place to invest, the best place to start a business." *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE*
W/S House of Commons in session *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Boris Johnson, British Prime Minister: "He wants to dither and delay, whereas we want to get on and deliver Brexit on October 31. And, I cannot in all conscience believe that is the right way forward for this country. And, Mr Speaker the right honourable gentleman recently said that he was daunted by the prospect that he may actually become Prime Minister. I will have to say that he is not alone in that fear, so indeed is most of the opposition to judge by their actions, most of the House of Commons and indeed most of the country. And, I can give him this reassurance, this consolation that I intend to do everything I can to prevent that." *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE*
W/S House of Commons in session *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Boris Johnson, British Prime Minister: "Mr Speaker the destruction that Labour would do to business is I think the single gravest concern that this country faces, far greater than any fears that they may have had about a no-deal Brexit." *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE*
W/S House of Commons in session *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Boris Johnson, British Prime Minister: "Let's get Brexit done so we can take back control of our money, our borders and our laws. Let's get Brexit done so we can regulate differently and better. Getting life-saving medicines faster and more cheaply to market for the NHS, galvanising coastal areas with a constellation of new free ports, organising our immigration system ourselves." *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE*
W/S House of Commons in session *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Boris Johnson, British Prime Minister: "I think there are people in this entire country are yearning for this House to come together to work together and get Brexit done. And, if we can get a deal I think it will be the will of the people for us to move that deal forward. Because that is the way to get on with the priorities of the British people." *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE*
W/S House of Commons in session *CUTAWAY*
SOT, Boris Johnson, British Prime Minister: "That is the vision for the society I believe in a generous, tolerant open and humane society. That is the vision at the core of this Queen's Speech and I commend it to the house." *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE*
W/S Members of Parliament leaving the House of Commons
Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn rejected British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's Queen's speech as a "farce" during a the House of Commons debate on Monday.
"Mr Speaker, there has never been such a farce as a government with a majority of minus 45 and a 100 per cent record of defeat in the House of Commons setting out a legislative agenda they know cannot be delivered in this Parliament," Corbyn said.
The Labour leader went on denounce the UK government as having "failed" to deliver Brexit, adding that the only way to solve Brexit is to "let the people decide with the final say."
"Freedom of movement has given opportunities to millions of British people to live, work and retire across Europe. And it has benefited our economy immensely, No responsible member would vote to rip that up, unless there was a proper plan in place," he went on to say in reference to the UK PM's proposal to end free movement.
During the debate the UK PM reiterated his pledge to leave the EU by October 31 and laid out his legislative plan for an "open, global and free-trading United Kingdom" after Brexit.
"Mr Speaker the destruction that Labour would do to business is I think the single gravest concern that this country faces. Far greater than any fears that they may have had about a no-deal Brexit," he added.
Johnson also vowed during his speech that he would "do everything" to prevent a Labour government led by Corbyn.
Earlier on Monday the Queen's speech at the state opening of Parliament stressed that delivering Brexit by October 31 is the government's "priority" and that free movement will be replaced with a "fair, modern and global immigration system" after Brexit.
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